There are two options to set up an Evergreen Course.
In your Product, go to the Content tab and link to or create your Membership Site
Add all your content to the Membership Site and Course
Set any Course Modules, Lessons or Pages to Dripped (unless you want them to have immediate access to a certain piece of content - if you want to give them immediate access, set the content to Published)
Repeat for each Module
Load or write all necessary emails in your Email Library
Create an Automation based on how you want the course delivered.
Steps of the Automation will include:
Giving access to the Membership Site and Course (if the Product doesn’t already give access to it via Product >> Content).
Dripping Course Modules, Lessons or Pages
Sending emails (using the emails in your Email Library)
Go back to your Product and in the Content tab, add a Trigger to start the Automation
Follow all the same steps above but instead of using general time parameters in your automation, you would use a specific time for the wait steps - such as “Wait until July 1, 2017”.
NOTE! If it’s set up this way and someone joins after the first date specific wait step, they’ll go through all the action steps (the steps in blue) sent on dates in the past.
To avoid this, edit the action steps and select “Skip if they weren't here at the time of the most recent wait step”:
In your Product, go to the Content tab and link to or create your Membership Site
Add all your content to the Membership Site and Course
Set any Course Modules, Lessons or Pages to Dripped (unless you want them to have immediate access to a certain piece of content - if you want to give them immediate access, set the content to Published)
Repeat for each Module
Load or write all necessary emails as Auto-Responders in your product
Set your Auto-Responder to release their corresponding Dripped Pages or Modules/Lessons
This is a product in which they don't get the next Module until they have finished the first. See our Guide here.