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Participant Limit

Updated on May 21, 2024

Do you have a product with a limited number of seats? Don't turn those customers away with a sold out page. Let Simplero help you track them so you can recapture the sale when it becomes available again.


How "Participant Limit" for a Product Works

This feature is useful if you have a limited number of seats available for a workshop or program.

  1. Set-up your waitlist or create the URL you want the potential clients to go to

  2. Select Sales >> Products from your Simplero Dashboard

  3. On the Products list, select the Product from your list

  4. Select the Selling tab

  5. Scroll down to the Options section and enter the number of participants you can have:

  6. Once the participant limit is reached, the product will closed and we’ll show a Closed or sold out message to show to your leads when the product is sold out. You can offer them to subscribe to a waitlist or redirect them to another URL.

    • To edit this message, mark the product Closed at the top of the page:

    • You’ll see the Closed or sold out section appear at the bottom of the page:

    • Once you save your changes, make sure to switch the product back to Listed or Unlisted at the top of the page.

  7. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

NOTE! Participant limit is only available on the product type = Normal (which you create by heading to Sales >> Products and pressing the blue Create new product button):

It does NOT apply when the product type = Credit, meaning they purchase a certain amount of credits when they buy (which you create by heading to Sales >> Products, pressing the three grey dots in the top right-hand corner and choosing a Credit Type from the dropdown to create a Credit Product with):

If you want to have a participant limit on a product that they purchase Credits from:

  1. Create a Normal Product.

  2. Set up a trigger to issue the credits when the product is purchased. 

WARNING! There's a risk that you can go over the limit.

Yeah, we know. But here's why:

If there’s still at least one seat left and you get to the order form, you'll be able to get in.

Say for example you've set the number of participants to 10 and so far you've sold 9. When theres’s only one left, and you have more than 1 participant buying the product at the same time, the system will allow all of those participants to purchase the product. As a result, you may end up overselling the product. Sorry about that!

The alternative would be is to implement a full-fledged "Ticketmaster". A system with timers and all, and for our purposes, it just doesn't warrant the cost and the added complexity of implementing that, so we opted for the simple solution.


What to Do If You Oversell

Find out which were the most recent orders and refund those that got over the limit. Reach out to them and explain the situation. Feel free to blame it on us. We've got broad shoulders. Our feelings won't be hurt.


Freebie Links Will Override the Limit

Freebie links ignore the participant limit by design. Even if you are sold out, you can get someone access with the freebie link. A freebie link is designed for situations like an assistant that needs access to this course. Even if you are sold out and you need your assistant to get on the product, they can with the freebie link.