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Dripping a Page in a Broadcast

Updated on Sep 6, 2022

Dripping is designed for the situation when you want people to have access to the given content at different times. You can drip not just a page, but a site as well as course lesson or module. It's what lets you do evergreen products and drip-content, where a module is released each week following purchase, regardless of when they chose to purchase. Or allow you to use the same site over and over again for different groups/classes going through the same course. For this reason, they're optimized for use with Auto-Responses and Automations, which are also designed for things happening at different times for different people.

If you wish to drip a page in a Broadcast...

  1. Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard.

    1. Select Email Broadcasts tab 

    2. Select the red + Create new broadcast button in the upper right corner

    3. Complete your Broadcast information:

    4. Select an Email email design template (see guides)

    5. Enter the  Sender name, email from and Reply-to information if you want to override your account default settings

    6. Give your broadcast a Subject name that your reader will see

    7. Give your broadcast an Internal name that is what you will see in your broadcasts screen

    8. Type Email body and insert images as desired by clicking the Media library icon

    9. Click the red Next button

    10. Choose recipients >> IMPORTANT: Be sure to select a list or product that is giving access to this page. You cannot have additional recipients that do not have access to that same page; if you do the drip option won't be available. If you haven't given access to a site yet, go to the List or Product, then go to Content, under Site click "add existing site" and select the site (see our guide). 

    11. Click the red Next button at the bottom of the screen

    12. After you've selected your recipients and your list or product, go edit the content section. You'll now see a set of checkboxes under the editor, where you can choose to release pages/lessons on the site.

    13. Check the page you want to drip. This will place a link in your email with the page title. You can use that link in the broadcast, edit the text of it, or delete it. As long as the page is checked the recipients will get access.


    14. Click on Next. then Queue the Broadcast delivery.

IMPORTANT - If you give access to anything using a broadcast, you will only be able to revoke that access manually. 

Revoking manually means going into each person's contact record and clicking the 'manage access' link under the appropriate Site and then un-ticking the boxes next to the content that you do not want the person to have access to anymore.  You will not be able to revoke access using a segment or an automation.  

Check out our guides: How to Use Drip Pages (AKA Dripping Content)