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Combining a Tangible Product With Your Online Product

Updated on May 24, 2024

Simplero is not currently set-up for the sales of tangible products. The reason for this is, we don't have a great shopping cart feature or a way to collect shipping without including it into your price. However, there are times where you may want to include a tangible product with your virtual product.

It’s possible, and here's how...

Create a Product

  1. Select the Sales tab from your Simplero Dashboard and choose Products from the dropdown menu

  2. From the Products page, click the blue Create new product button in the upper right corner:

  3. You will be directed to the product creation screen:

  4. Enter the information for your new product:

    • Name - the name for your product (this is the only required field)

    • Product card - describe what you are selling and add a card image

    • Price - set a base price (you will be able to set-up payment plans and subscription pricing shortly)

    • Tax settings - select the applicable options

    • Write your Welcome email

    • Configure your Options

  5. Click the Create product button to save

If at any time you’d like to change any of the above information, you can do so in the Configure tab within the product.  

  1. From the Products page, locate the product name and click the Gear icon in the far right side of that product:

  2. Or, locate and select the Product name and select the Configure tab

  3. Make all the changes you wish for your product

  4. Then scroll down and click the Save changes button

Set your Pricing:

  1. Select Sales from your Simplero Dashboard and choose Products from the dropdown menu

  2. From the Products page, select a Product from your list

  3. Select the Prices tab

  4. In the List Prices, a Simple price will show. This is the price you entered when creating the product. You can edit this price by selecting the Pen icon within the Simple price box.

  5. To add a new price or payment plan, select the blue Add a price button on the top right:

  6. You will be directed to the Price creations screen. 

    Set up your prices as such:

    • Price 1: Virtual product only

    • Price 2: Virtual product + Tangible product.

      Remember to include shipping if applicable.

  7. Complete each of the following fields:

    • Name - This will be shown next to the price on the checkout form. For example, "Early Bird" or "Payment Plan".

    • Internal Name - This is the name of the price that you’ll see from the backend as an Admin.

    • Type of Price - For example, "Purchase", "Subscription" or “Credits”.  NOTE! The type cannot be changed after you've created the price.

      •  Purchase:

        • Gives them forever access to the product once they’ve paid the full cost of the product. (If they default on a payment plan, their access will be canceled until they pay).

        • Amount - How much the person will pay upon purchase.

        • Additional Instalments (This is used for payment plans on a purchase) - Type the number of payments you want them to make, in addition to the first payment. Once you have put in a number of 1 or more hit enter and 2 more boxes will pop up for you to set up your payment plan.

          • Amount for each of the following instalments - Select the payment amount after the initial purchase.

          • How long between each instalment? - Select the period of time between payments.

      • Subscription:

        • Gives them access for a limited period of time for each payment they make. 

        • Amount for each recurring period - How much the person will pay each period.

        • How long does this give access for - How long each payment will give them access to the product for.

        • Optional free trial - If you want them to have a trial period you will fill in this amount of time.

        • Subscription Settings - Here you can select their renewing options and if you want them to have to commit to a specific amount of time, such as a 1-year commitment. You can learn more about subscription settings in this guide.

      • Credits:

    • Access - Choose whether this product will be accessed through the main order form (Published), a secret order form (Secret link) or a Coupon code.

    • Triggers - Save first, then you can add triggers.

    • Availability periods - Save first, then you can add periods of availability for this price.

    • Advanced settings - Allow for…

      • Donations

      • Replace another price when active

      • Limit number of participants at this price

      • Limit the payment processors that can be used

      • Always retain the ability to Autocharge if the payment processor allows for it

      • Authorize-only (for physical products) - You can do an 'authorise' when they purchase, and then you click 'Accept payment' to collect the money once you ship the product.

  8. Select the blue Create price to save.

To learn more about the different price options such as limited seating, multiple seat purchases, discounts, coupons, and secret prices, please see our guide

Add a Trigger to your product price

  1. From within your Product Summary screen

  2. Select the Prices tab

  3. Locate the price you want to add a trigger to and click the Pencil icon in the far right side to edit

  4. Scroll down to the Triggers section and click the + Add trigger button:

  5. Add a trigger for a Notification email to your price that includes the tangible product.

    This notification email can include as much or as little as you want, but should include the Purchase link so you can quickly get to the purchase screen and get their shipping information without having to go into Simplero and search for it:

  6. Click the Save changes button

Add mailing address as a required field in your Order Form

  1. From within your Product Summary screen

  2. Select the Order form tab

  3. Click the + Add participant field button:

  4. You’ll see the list of fields you can add slide in on the right side. Select Shipping Address, and you’ll see it appear under the list of Participant fields back in the middle:

  5. Make sure the Shipping Address field is marked as Required:

  6. Click the Save changes button