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Editing an Automation

Updated on Jun 23, 2024

Editing an Automation

From time to time you may want to update an automation. Maybe you want to add a step, remove a step, make a change to an email that is being sent or rearrange the steps of your automation. This is not a problem, follow the steps below to edit the automation. But please NOTE...when you edit an automation the change will only affect the people who have not yet reached the step where the change is made. 

What does this mean?

  • If you are editing a wait step - People currently in that wait step will be affected. They receive the new wait rule. 

  • If you are adding a step - Only people who are in the steps prior to it will receive the additional step.

  • If you add a step to the end of the broadcast - People who have finished the automation will not be affected.

  • If you make a change to the broadcast - Only people who have not yet received the broadcast will see the new version.

  1. Select Automation from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Automations tab, locate and select your automation

  3. Locate and select the step you want to edit 

  4. Select the Pencil icon on the far right side within the step box and make the edits

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.18.09 PM

Note: If you make changes on the fly to an automation that's already running, note that the change will only affect the people who have not yet reached the step where you made the change. Changing an automation wait step affects those already waiting in that step. 

For example, John enters the wait step 7: wait 1 day. If you change step 7 to wait 1 week, John would now wait 1 week in that step, not 1 day. We do not recommend making changes to steps where there are currently active contacts.

Rearranging Steps of an Automation

  1. Select Automation from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Automations tab, locate and select your automation

  3. Select and hold the Double dotted lines to the left of the automation step and drag it to the desired location within the automation
    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.19.16 PM

We don't recommend rearranging steps where there are currently active contacts.

Removing a Step in an Automation

  1. Select Automation from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Automations tab, locate and select your automation

  3. Locate and select the step you want to remove 

  4. Select the Trashcan icon in the far right side within the step box

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.19.53 PM

  5. Click OK to confirm your removal of the step

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.20.41 PM

We don't recommend deleting steps where there are currently active contacts on.

Adding a Step in an Automation

  1. Select Automation from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Automations tab, locate and select your automation

  3. Select the + Add a step button below your current steps

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.21.22 PM

  4. Complete all appropriate fields and click the Save changes button

  5. You can also click the (Plus) + icon to Add step after this step 

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.23.41 PM

  6. Select and hold the Double dotted lines to the left of the automation step and drag it to where you want it in the sequence
    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.19.16 PM

Duplicating a Step in an Automation

  1. Select Automation from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Automations tab, locate and select your automation

  3. Locate and select the step you want to duplicate 

  4. Select the Paper icon in the far right side within the step box

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.24.27 PM

  5. You will now see a duplicate step within your automation

  6. Select the Pencil icon in the far right to update the name of your automation 

    Image 2021-03-13 at 1.25.21 PM

  7. Click the Save changes button

Editing an email that is part of an automation

On the automation Steps tab, locate the step with the email you’d like to edit, then click on the edit icon at the far right:

  • If the email is unique to that step, you will be able to edit the subject and email body on that same screen:

And Save the changes.

Duplicating Steps that contain Emails

  • Duplicating steps containing unique emails will make a second copy of the email. It will then be unique to that new step and you can edit one without affecting the other. 

Any changes made to the email linked on Step#3 will not apply to the email linked on Step#2. They are independent of each other.

  • There are 2 ways of duplicating an automation step that contains an already saved library email:

    •  Duplicate the ste and reuse the Library email >> any changes made on either the original or the duplicate will affect both steps (they are using the exact same email!

    • Duplicate the step and duplicate the library email too >> any changes made on the original will not affect the copy, they are linked to different emails!

Disable steps

You can turn off an automation step, for example, if you don’t need it to run temporarily.

Click on the step edit button, then turn off the ‘Live’ toggle.

Disable the Automation

You can disable the automation by turning off the live toggle in the top right corner. This will stop new flows but will not pause flows that area already in the automation.