Create Your Own 404 Page

Updated Mar 26, 2025

A '404 Page Error' or 'Not Found Error' is the web page that's displayed when a person tries to go to a page that doesn't exist on a website.

Maybe they made a typo when typing the web address, or maybe the page was deleted.

When this happens with your Simplero website, we direct them to a default 404 error page. However, you can set your own 404 Page so that you can give your audience a customised 404 experience. Perhaps you'd like the opportunity to ask them to opt-in to your newsletter, browse your product catalog, or showcase your humour or personality 🎉

How to Set Up Your 404 Page

  1.  Decide which page on your website you want the 404 page to be. You may want it to be a page of its own that you create for this purpose, or you may just want to redirect them to your homepage or another page on your site. 

    If you want to redirect them to an existing page (like your home page or product catalog) for your 404, skip to point 3 below

  2. If you want to create a New Page for your 404, follow the steps in this guide to add a new page to your site.

    • Under Layouts and Navigation for the Site, make sure you hide or delete the page from the Navigation menu if you added it there previously:

    • Add sections to the page and customise as desired. Here’s our video on how to build your page structure, in case you need some guidance here.

    • Publish the page via the blue Publish button in the top right-hand corner of the page editing screen:

  3. Once you’ve created your page, head to Sites >> Choose the Site >> Configure.

  4. Scroll down to Advanced >> Custom 404 Not Found Page, choose which page on your site you'd like to set as the 404 page and press Save Changes:

That's it! Now when a customer tries to visit a page that isn't there, they’ll see your custom 404 page instead.