Each program has a default commission. However, you can override this at the product level when you add the product. The box that will appear will ask you to fill in the commission for this product if it's different from the programs default percentage.
Select Products from your Simplero Dashboard
In the Products tab, create or select your Product
Select the Selling tab
Scroll down to the Affiliate Settings section and click the + Add affiliate program
If a program and product are already connected and you want to change the % you can do so by simply clicking the Edit link to the right of the program name
Complete the fields accordingly and click the Save changes button
You can also override the commission for a specific affiliate. This is especially useful if you want to pay a star referrer a little more than the rest or reward a long time affiliate.
To do this you will find the affiliate within the program and edit their affiliate information
Select Marketing and then Affiliates from your Simplero Dashboard
Select the Affiliate program
Select the Affiliates tab within the Affiliate program and select the Affiliate name OR click the Pencil icon to edit
You will be directed to that Edit screen if you click on the Pencil icon
You will be directed to the Affiliate information screen if you click on the Affiliate name
In the Affiliate info box, click the Edit hyperlink
Scroll down the Commission section and input how much (percentage or fixed amount*) you'd like them to be paid and for how long*.
*(Scale and Skyrocket Plans only)
Click the Save changes button