Facets are a powerful management tool for things like level, instructor, type etc.
They give you and your members the ability to filter and search by facet.
They are great for large libraries of content. Right now they are limited to support tickets tags, but in the future they will be able to be used across any type of object in the Simplero platform.
They are located under Settings > Content > Facets:
By default you will see there's a Facet already created that's used for your Support tickets.
Let's say you work with 2 different teams: sales and support. You can have 2 facets for each and have different values in each facet.
Now wherever you add a Facet you will have the option to pick from your created facets and values. For example from the Support ticket page:
And then filter by it on the Support tickets table:
Stay tunned for more use cases getting added across Simplero where you can manage your content and objects with Facets!