Triggers Overview

Updated Apr 16, 2024

Triggers let you take certain actions when something happens. To see what the possible actions are...

  1. Select Contacts >> Lists from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select one of your Lists

  3. Select the Content tab

  4. Scroll down to the Triggers section, click the + Add trigger button, and see what the options are.

We frequently add new ones. Examples of actions you can take are: Add to a list, add a tag, start an automation, send an email or a text message, etc.

Triggers currently exist on:

  • Lists: Subscribe/Unsubscribe

  • Products: Activate/Deactivate both for billing contact AND for the participant

  • Prices: Someone purchased at that price

  • Auto-Responses: sent. This was a "poor man's workaround" for when we didn't have automations

  • Links: Clicked (for links in broadcasts, auto-responses, and library emails)

  • Affiliate programs: Affiliate registered, approved, rejected

  • Worksheets: Response submitted

  • Tags: Tag added, Tag removed

  • Lessons in Courses: Lesson marked complete, marked not complete

  • Membership sites: For example you can use a trigger for "a member has not logged in". This trigger also works for the app!

  • Fields: When the value of field has changed

  • Field Options: When the form option is selected

  • Landing Pages: When someone subscribes or submits the signup form

    • Subscribes means if they’re already on the list and try to sign up on the form again, this trigger won’t fire again

    • Submits means if they’re already on the list and try to sign up on the form again, this trigger will fire again

  • Surveys: Response submitted

  • Events: Registration is created, approved, cancelled, cancelled by the participant, or denied. Also when someone joins an event or leaves an event/the event ends

  • Scheduling Links: Someone books a slot on your calendar

  • Pipelines: An entry is created

  • Pipeline Stages: Pipeline stage entered, Pipeline stage left

  • Notices: Notice is viewed, Link is clicked or Notice is dismissed

  • Funnel Steps: Funnel step entered, Page viewed, Opt-in, Purchase: Activated first time only, Response is submitted, or Event is scheduled.

There are several locations where you can create a Trigger: (not a complete list)

  • List under the Content tab

  • Product under the Content tab

  • Autoresponder

  • A Link in a Broadcast

  • Tag

  • Worksheet

  • Price

  • a Course Lesson

  • On some Custom form fields

  • Survey

The drop-down options will vary by the location where the tag is added. 

Conditions on Triggers

You can add conditions to run the trigger:

Set it up to Only fire once per contact - This means if you have the same trigger in several locations within your Simplero such as on a List and on a Product then the system will only attempt to perform that action one time ever for each contact:

Or temporarily disable the trigger.

GDPR notice for those doing business in the EU: Please keep in mind when using triggers based on actions of your customers that you are in compliance with GDPR, since actions such as these may violate rules in regards to consent and profiling. This message does not constitute legal advice - should you have a question about compliance, please consult a lawyer.