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Delaying Normal Broadcasts During an Email Funnel

Updated on Oct 26, 2022

This guide is going to show you how to make it so that new subscribers do not receive your normal broadcasts until after they have completed an automation. This could be used when you want to exclude them from receiving broadcasts while in the middle of the initial email series they opted in for or if they are in a sales funnel. To do this you would want to add a tag to the people in the sequence and then exclude that tag from all broadcasts, and then remove the tag when the sequence is finished. Again this is that the recipients of the sequence are not bombarded with emails. Follow the steps below for adding such a tag depending on the type of sequence you are using. 

Here's how to delay normal Broadcasts during an Email Funnel:

Create your Automation with the emails you want them to receive

  1. Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard
  2. Select Automations from the dropdown menu
  3. Click the blue +Create new automation button in the upper right corner

  4. Enter the name for your Automation in the pop-up screen and click the OK button

  5. At the beginning of the automation add an action to add a tag to the contact
    • Click the blue + Add a step button for your automation

    • Select Action for the steps
    • Click the drop-down arrow to select the option to Add a tag
    • Type your tag or select from your tag list
    • Click the Save changes button
  6. At the end of the automation add an Action to Remove a tag 
    • Click the blue + Add a step button for your automation

    • Select Action for the steps
    • Click the drop-down arrow to select the option to Add a tag
    • Type your tag or select from your tag list
    • Click the Save changes button

  7. Then when you send your normal broadcasts make sure to exclude the tag from the recipients

This can also be done when you are using Auto-Responses. Here's how...

  1. Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
  2. Select Lists from the dropdown menu
  3. Select the list you want to create auto-responses for
  4. Select the Auto-Responses tab in the upper right corner or in the middle of the screen if you have no auto-responses yet

  5. Enter the Subject and When to send your auto-response and click the Add auto-response button

  6. Complete your auto-response information

    • Subject - What customers see
    • Internal Subject - What admin screen calls the email (only you can see)
    • Email body - Type the email you want for this auto-response
    • Triggers - Scroll down and click the +Add trigger button and complete the trigger box as follows:

      • When: Auto-response is sent
      • Do this: Click the drop-down arrow to select the option to Add a tag
      • Type your tag or select from your tag list
      • Click the Save changes button
  7. Add the last auto-response, following the above steps but this time create one to Remove a tag 
