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Quoting Prices in Multiple Currencies

Updated on 30 Oct 2023

One of the great perks of running on an online business is that you can sell your product in countries all over the world. Simplero simplifies the process of offering a product to international audiences by offering a product's prices in multiple currencies. 

In this guide, we are going to show you how to set the default currency for a specific product and how to quote the price in multiple currencies.  

Prices in Multiple Currencies

  1. Select the Settings from your Simplero Dashboard
  2. In the Account tab
  3. Scroll down to the Currencies section
  4. Click the + Add currency button and select the currency
  5. Continue to add until all currencies you accept are listed
  6. Now, select Product from your Simplero Dashboard
  7. In the Products tab, locate and select the product you want to offer in a different currency
  8. Select the Prices tab
  9. Add a price point (Purchase or subscription) and add installment amount
  10. From the List Pricesselect that price you've just created
  11. Scroll down to the Installments section and click the Add currency button then select the currency from the drop-down list (these are the currencies you've added)
  12. In the pop-up screen for Add alternative price, enter in the amount according to the listed conversion rate and click the Add price button

  13. Click the Save changes button

Default Currency of Product

Alternatively, if you want to set all the prices in a specific product to show as a different default currency in your account you can do so by following these steps.

  1. Select Product from you Simplero Dashboard
  2. In the Products tab, locate and select the product you want to change the default currency of
  3. Select the Configure > Advanced Settings tab

  4. Click the Save changes button

Now all your prices for that product will show in that currency when customers go to the order form, however your main account currency will also still show.  

 If you are running on international business check out this guide for more support