Important notes! This is not possible to do while on trial as adding embedded code is not available.
If you prefer to watch this on a video, you can head to our How To Videos where this is explained in minute 11:20.
If you'd like an embedded sign up form to show in ALL pages of a Simplero Site, then navigate to the Site >> Configure page and scroll down to the Signup forms section:
You'll be able to choose from the existing embedded forms in your account.
To know how to create an Embedded Form go back to the previous lesson, Embedded Forms.
Navigate to the embedded form. Shortest way is from the Landing pages table, click on the Embedded view and then filter by List:
Once you've located the Embedded form, click on it and scroll down to the Embed code section on the Content tab. Copy the script using the Copy to clipboard icon:
Go to the Site Page you'd like the embedded opt-in form to show up. Head to Website >> Pages, then access the Editor for that specific page on the Website by clicking on the page name:
Add a Script section, and replace the dummy text with the script you just copied:
The Embed form will now show up according to the Presentation settings on the Embed form.
NOTE: The form will appear blank on the Editor page once you add the embed code and save your changes, but it will appear on the front-end of the page according to the Presentation settings on the Embed form. Click View Page On Site in the top right-hand corner to see it in action:
NOTE! This process only works if your page uses the Legacy Editor. If your page uses the 2.0 Builder, follow the steps in this 2.0 guide to create your popup and connect it to a button on the page.
If your page uses the Class Editor, follow steps 1-5 described above in the “Embed an Opt-in Form on a Simplero Page” section first (make sure to embed the form into a Script section, etc). Then add the following instructions:
Head to the Embed Form Settings page and select Modal under the Presentation section:
Then scroll down to the Trigger section and select Manual trigger only:
On the Embed Form Content page, scroll down to the section Manual Trigger and copy the piece of code using the Copy to Clipboard icon:
Navigate to the Simplero Page you'd like to link the Embed form to.
Click on the section you want the button to show up on, then the Source Code icon. Paste the code into the Source Code section:
Press Ok and Save. A link now shows up and triggers an embedded opt-in form.
Now select the link that got created and click on the Insert Link icon: Edit the Text to Display and click on Display as Button. Then press Update:
Keywords: Embedded form, Link, Embed