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Expiring Links

Updated on Sep 6, 2022

Create a sense of urgency... Countdowns and Expiring links

As a business owner you probably already know that one of the biggest ways to strum up sales is to create a sense of urgency. Creating a sense of urgency gets customers excited to buy right then, it makes them feel like if they don't have it now they will lose out entirely. And who wants to miss out on something good?

In Simplero broadcasts you can create a sense of urgency in two ways:

  1. Countdown timers

  2. Expiring links

Countdown Timers are a built-in interpolation key that can be quickly inserted within Simplero Broadcasts. These allow your customers to clearly see how much time they have left before they are left out of the fun. 

Of course, then the question comes what happens after the time is up?

That super special sale might be over but your customers still have the link in their email, so what are you as the business owner to do? You wouldn't want to take down the sales page you would lose those potential customers. So instead we suggest you expire the link and create a redirect! 

This way your leads and customers can still click the link but instead of being taken to the super special sale they missed out, they will go somewhere new and special for those who missed it. 

In the video and instructions below, you will find instructions on how to expire a link within an email broadcast and add in a new link of where to redirect them to so that you don't lose those valuable customers.  

Expiring a link within your broadcast 

(Note: this also works with auto-response emails and library emails)

  1. Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Email Broadcasts from the dropdown menu

  3. Locate and click on the Broadcast name that contains the link(s) you want to expire

  4. Note: You must have some kind of link(s) in the Body of your broadcast email in order for the Links box to show

  5. Locate the Links box and click the Pencil icon next to the link to edit

  6. In the Edit link screen, turn On the Expire link switcher 

  7. In the Expire link this long after email is sent area, enter the number you want to expire and click the drop-down arrow to select if you want expiration in days, hours, minutes, etc.

  8. Paste or enter the destination link you want your customer to be redirected after the link has expired (optional)

  9. Click the blue Save changes button

Important: If they click on the link before the expiration and save it in some way, they won't have access to the URL if they access it after the expiration period. They will not get an invalid link, instead, they will be redirected to the other destination link you've entered after the expiration.

Note: These steps can also be used if a link in your broadcast is broken or incorrect in some way. Simply edit the link in the email body of your Broadcast. 

  1. Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Email Broadcasts from the dropdown menu

  3. Locate and click on the Broadcast name that contains the link(s) you want to expire

  4. In the Broadcast information page, click the Edit hyperlink in the Body section

  5. In the Edit screen, enter or paste the new URL in the email body and click the blue Next> button when done.

Want to send a limited time offer?

If it is a price link you are looking to expire that can be done via the price itself and will prevent people from bookmarking the price for later purchasing. 

If you are sending a sale email as an auto-response follow the steps below...

  1. Go into the product you are promoting

  2. Create a secret price

  3. In the price you will find a section called Access. 

  4. Under this choose the list you are setting up the auto-response for and since when after they subscribe to that list you'd like this price to be available for.

  5. Save price

  6. Copy the the direct link to the price

  7. Paste that link in your auto-responder

If this is a broadcast to one or more lists where people have subscribed at different times. Follow the steps below..

  1. Create a new list and copy subscribers to this list that you want to receive the special price

  2. Go into the product you are promoting

  3. Create a secret price in the price you will find a section called Access.

  4. Under this choose the list you just created and since when after they subscribe to that list you'd like this price to be available for.

  5. Save price

  6. Copy the the direct link to the price

  7. Create a broadcast and select this new list as your recipients.

  8. Paste in the secret price link to the broadcast.

Note: The days of engagement are based on 24 hr period. If a user opts in at 2pm, the link expires at 2pm on the given date.