Notes and Tags
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0 / 1
Emails for automations
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Receipts and Tasks
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Pipelines and Deals
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Content Settings
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Updated on Mar 18, 2024

Keep track of each of you customers journeys and updates using Notes!

You can add Notes from the contact record directly.

  1. Navigate to your Contacts Page, then choose the contact you’d like to add a note to.

  2. Scroll down on the contact page to the section ‘Notes’.

  3. Click on Add note.

A popup will show up where you can add:

  • A title

  • Kind: Note, Session, Phone call, Meeting.

  • Note: the content of the note.

  • Advanced settings

    • Labels: to better organize your Notes. Learn more about Labels in this guide.

    • Whose note this is: the owner of the note.

    • Private: check the box if you don’t want other admins in your account to see this note.

  • Click on Create note

Manage Notes

Navigate to Contacts >> Notes tab.

Use Columns to choose what info to see on the Notes table (Poster, Contact, etc).

Then use the Filter to help you locate specific notes based on Contact, Kind, Label, Poster and Private Status.

From this page you can edit and delete notes directly using the pencil and the bin icons on the right.

Go note it!