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Tax Reporting for Affiliates

Updated on Nov 2, 2022

Some countries require that you have certain documentation from your affiliates in order for you to pay out affiliate commissions without risking being on the hook for any taxes due on that commission.

In order to make that as easy as possible on everybody, Simplero now has a new feature that handles all of that for you. You tell your affiliates what you need, and Simplero will ask for it. All you need to do is review it, and click to either approve or request that they do it over.

Once it's approved, payouts can happen as normal.

We separate the regular affiliate approval from documentation approval, so that your affiliates can be linking and tracking, even while the paperwork gets sorted.

To start using this...

  1. Select Marketing >> Affiliates programs from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Create an affiliate program or make changes to an existing one

  3. It's a new setting for the affiliate program, which lets you choose to require documentation, optionally have that documentation only be required from affiliates in your own country, and then you can just write whatever information is required for that documentation in a big old text field.

    • Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard

    • Select the Affiliates tab  and select the Affiliate name 

    • Select the Registration tab

    • Scroll down to the Documentation section

    • Mark the box for "We need specific documents from affiliates (eg. a completed W-9)" and mark the box for the United States only if applicable

    • Enter additional information to Explain to affiliates what's needed

    • Click the Save changes button