This guide will show you how to set up a course that is completely self-paced with the modules drip released as the participants move through the course.
Add all your content
Set all Modules to Dripped, with the Lessons inside the Modules set to Published.
Create a Worksheet the students will receive at the end of each module. This could be a quiz, a comprehension worksheet, questions for them to journal or meditate on, etc.
Once the worksheet is created and saved, go into the settings of the worksheet and add a trigger
Trigger settings will read...
"When submitted"
"Give access to the Course Module”
Select the page for the next module. (For example, if the worksheet is for Module 1, then the trigger will give access to Module 2)
Repeat for each Module
Go back into your course and add the corresponding worksheet to the last Lesson of each module
Repeat for each module
Connect the membership site to your product and give access to the course of the product
Create a welcome email as an auto-responder and set it to Drip Module 1
Now when they complete the worksheet for Module 1, it will release Module 2 and so on.
Create an email in your email library that will correspond with each module.
Go back into each worksheet and add another trigger to send the corresponding email
Trigger settings will read...
"When Submitted"
"Send Templated email"
Select the email that matches the module that’s being released.
Go back into each worksheet and add a third trigger to deactivate the previous module
Trigger settings will read...
"When Submitted"
"Revoke access to Course Module"
Select the module that was completed just prior to receiving the worksheet