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Creating a Membership Site

Updated on Jul 24, 2024

Membership sites are built on the same platform as your Simplero site. So they'll be brand-consistent, modern, and beautiful. They even use the same page editor as your main site.

Membership sites feature a blog, a forum, a member directory, and Engagement badges. Membership sites also feature Courses with a structured curriculum and support for quizzes as part of the lesson plan.

Creating a Membership Site

  1. Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard.

  2. In the Membership sites tab, click the + Create new membership site button in the upper right corner:

  3. Complete the fields for your site and click the Create site button to save:

  4. Once your site is created, you will be able to edit its Settings (Pages tab) and access the Pages Editor on the top right corner:

Site Configure Settings

Navigate to the Configure tab:

There are some settings specific to the site that you might want to know a bit more in-depth before launching your new site:

Using a Custom Domain

If you own a domain and would like to link it to your site, click on "+Add domain":

NOTE! If you haven't set up your domain on your Account Settings, you might need to do so following the instructions on our guide on utilising a custom domain.

After logout page

Closed Membership sites (see Access section below) would only allow access to contacts via log-in.

This also means they will be able to log out using the profile dropdown on the top right corner of your Site.

By default, we will redirect the end-user to your Main Site, unless you add a URL on the "Redirect after logout" Advanced settings :)


Access to Your Membership Site

You can make your membership site publicly available or control access:

If private, you'll be able to customise a message on the login screen under the Site URL section:

Member Directory

Scroll down to the Community features section:

If you disable the Member directory, your contacts won't be able to tag other members on any comments on this site.

When enabled, you will be able to add it as a section on your Page Editor Menu:

And this is how it will look like on your Site when it goes live:

Adding Sign-up Forms

Using this section, you can add a sign-up form to a page within your membership site. Simply select the + Add signup form button, and you can choose any of the sign-up forms you have created within your Simplero account:

Email Settings

Meta Data

Allow showing SEO data when sharing a closed site URL in Facebook by checking the box at the bottom of this section:

Once it’s been enabled, navigate to the home page settings on the site editor to add a title, description, and an image to show when sharing the closed site URL on Facebook:

Launch your Site

Once you are ready to Launch your new Site, click on "Launch site now" from any of the tabs.

Connecting a Membership Site to a Product or a List

  1. Select Sales from your Simplero Dashboard.

  2. In the Products tab, select the product you want to add to a membership site.

  3. Select the Content tab:

  4. In the Courses & Sites section, check the box next to the membership site that you want to grant access to via the product:

  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save changes button.

Our team built a Demo Membership Site to give you a better idea of how it looks like as an end-user :)

Click here for access to our demo membership site 

Cloning Page to Another a Site

Want to copy your site pages onto a new site? Select the original site pages >> Select action: Clone to another site:

Or clone them to another existing site by selecting it from the dropdown instead:

If you get stuck while building your amazing membership site, contact Simplero support. We're happy to help!