In this guide...
Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
Select Lists from the dropdown menu
Select the blue Create new list button in the upper right corner:
Give your list a name:
This will create the list and take you to the Configure tab:
Simplero has a default confirmation set-up but if you would like to edit it and personalize it you can do so in the Configure tab of your list.
Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
Select Lists from the dropdown menu
Select the list you want to edit
Select the Configure tab
Note that Double opt-in is automatically enabled. You can toggle it on or off as desired.
Edit your Confirmation email by selecting Customize the confirmation email:
Click the blue Save changes button at the bottom.
Subscribers Tab:
Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
Choose Lists from the dropdown menu
Select the list you want to edit
Select the Subscribers tab
Click on the red + Add subscribers button:
Import Contacts Button:
Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
Choose Lists from the dropdown menu
Select the list you want to edit
Click on the white Import contacts button in the top right-hand corner:
Enter Manually: This section allows you to manually enter the names and email addresses of your subscribers.
Follow either set of steps here (Subscribers tab or Import contacts button)
Select the Enter manually tab:
Enter the email address and name in the box, separated by a comma
Choose your Options and click the blue Import button when done to add your subscribers:
Upload CSV File: This feature allows you to import a list you have saved in CSV format.
Before importing, make sure the encoding of the file is UTF-8. That's an indication of how special characters - basically anything but the 26 letters of the English alphabet and the digits 0-9 are stored. If it's not UTF-8, then it's probably going to get rejected by Simplero, and you'll need to change the encoding before uploading. Here's an online tool that can help you detect encoding and convert it to UTF-8.
Follow either set of steps here (Subscribers tab or Import contacts button)
Select the Upload file tab.
Click the Choose file button to choose your subscribers list from your computer:
Choose the columns. However, if you have a custom field to import, you must first add the custom field in your contacts
Select Settings >> Custom fields from your Simplero Dashboard
Add the field
Now go back to your CSV upload process and then select the appropriate field option from the drop-down menu:
Once you're happy with that, click the Save changes button
*Note that if your file was downloaded as a zip file you will need to open the zip file and save the CSV file before importing
* If you are migrating from another mail platform check out our guides on Migrating
3. Copy from the current list:
Navigate to the Signup Forms tab on your list.
Choose to either create a Full landing page or an Embedded form and follow the instructions in these guides for the next steps:
The content tab in your list can be used to give a customer a freebie opt-in such as access to a membership site or a downloadable product.
Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard
Select Lists from the dropdown menu
Select the list you want to give access to content
Select the Content tab:
Click the white + Add file button under the Lead magnet content section to add media files OR
Check the white Box next to the name of your existing site under the Membership sites section to give them access to a membership site
You can add another membership site via the blue link
Scroll down and click the blue Save changes button