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Membership Site Pages

Updated on Aug 31, 2023

Which page should you pick?

Each of these pages has different options and uses. So let's look at each one closer.

Pages - Allows you to design a web page within your membership site. This could be a simple content page such as a welcome page, it could include testimonials of people who have taken the course before or a letter from you. It could even include a course catalog so your customers can quickly get to the page they want to access. You can also use the pages feature to create a sales page to up-sell members to other products that exist within this membership site or outside it. 

Webbook - Structure long pieces of content. Use the Text section to add headings and paragraphs, then enable the option to Auto-generate a table of contents to be displayed on a left sidebar.

Favorites - Course lessons can be saved as favorite by your members. Add a Favorites page they can easily reach to see their favorite content.

Blog/Forum - Here is where you would give access to the blog or forum that you have been working on in the back end of your membership site.

Group - If you have segmented forums you can link them using the Groups page. Learn more about Forum groups on this help guide.

Member Directory - Here is where you can let members see each other. Members are anyone who has access to the membership site for any reason.

External Link - This is a great way to link to outside sales page, a Facebook group, a scheduling calendar. Basically, anything you can find on the interweb that isn't created within your membership site. 

Terms and Conditions - This will link to the terms and conditions set up in your account settings.

Customer Service - When this is added a link will exist in the heading menu that will allow the members of your membership site to email you at the email address you set in your account settings for support. 

Once you have decided on the page you want to add below are step by step instructions for managing that page. 

Please note that you must have at least one published, not-hidden page on a membership site to serve as the home page for the site.  Otherwise, your members will not be able to access the site. 

You can check out our demo membership site right here!

Adding a page

  1. Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select Membership Sites from the drop down menu

  3. Select the Membership Site you want to add pages to

  4. Select the Pages tab

  5. Click the Edit menu &pages button in the upper right corner

  6. You will be directed to the site editor page. Click the + Add button to add a page

  7. In the pop-up screen, choose your page option, add title and click the + Add button

  8. To add a subpage, simply select the + sign next to what will be the mother page and then follow step 7


 Editing an Existing Page

  1. Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select Membership Sites from the dropdown menu

  3. Select the Pages tab

  4. Click the page name or the Edit button at the far right

  5. You will be redirected to the Editor screen

  6. In the Sections tab, you can add or delete sections, move the sections around, or edit the contents in them. Make sure to click the Save changes button.

  7. In the Settings tab, you can change the page name, URL, and publish status. Make sure to click the Save changes button.

Removing a page

  1. Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select Membership Sites from the dropdown menu

  3. Select the Pages tab

  4. There are three ways to remove a page:

    • Click on the Page name or the Editor button next to the page you want to remove and you'll be redirected to the Editor screen

      • In the bottom left corner, click the Trashcan Delete page hyperlink and click OK to confirm your action to delete
        Delete_page_from_editor        Delete_page_from_editor_Confirmation

    • Mark the box next to the Editor button and the Page name, click the Select action...drop-down arrow, select the Delete... option, and click OK to confirm your action to delete

      Select_action_to_delete  Confirm_to_delete_a_page

    • OR Mark the box next to the Editor button and the Page name, click the Trashcan icon and click OK to confirm your action to delete

What if I want to limit who can view a page?

Pages in a site are published in 3 different ways.

  1. Published meaning viewable all the time.

  2. Scheduled meaning they become viewable at a specific point in time.

  3. Dripped meaning you manually give access to someone. 

Dripped works great if you want to have a page in a membership site that is only viewable by a select group of people. For example, maybe I host the same course each year, and each group of participants has their own group page on Facebook for daily interactions. I can add the Facebook group as an external link page and then set that page to be Dripped. I would then Drip it to that group of participants and no one else via a trigger or broadcast. 


This is a great tool to structure long pieces of content. Use the Text section to add headings and paragraphs, then enable the option to Auto-generate a table of contents to be displayed on a left sidebar.

Add Chapters under the webbook section on the builder using the plus icon:

The first page is considered the primary page in the webbook, and all the other pages are mounted at the "primary page's path/their slug".

You will still have the freedom to later edit each of the pages' slugs and customize them if you want.

Note! We’ll always include h1 and h2 headings in the table of contents, but only include h3 and h4 headings if the total number of headings does not exceed 10.

Check out this live Webbook to see the full user experience!


**Currently in Beta** Turn ON these feature flags in your Simplero Labs page to enable Favorites:

Your members can save their favorite lessons across your site courses using the heart icon displayed on the course overview.

Favorite content is saved at the site level and can be reached on the site URL /favorites (

Adding a Favorites page to your site will improve your members’ experience as they will have their favorites handy from anywhere on your site.

Blog/Forum pages

Before you add Blog/Forum pages to your Membership Site you would need to enable them first.

You can adjust whether to moderate posts, add an intro text, and using engagement badges.

You can always have a look at the Forum and Blog pages (before you add them to your Site header) from the admin page:

Member Directory

The member directory is enabled by default. It allows members to share their profile info and get tagged in posts and comments.

If you would rather disable the member directory navigate to the Site>>Configure>>Community Features section.

Members will need to be logged in to access the Members page, where they'll find who is a member of the site, and since when are they members.

On each member you'll find where are they located, any engagement badges they've been awarded, and their activity on the site.