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Membership Site Blog

Updated on Jul 25, 2024

Setting up the blog

  1. Select the Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Membership site tab, locate and select the site you want to set up a blog

  3. Select the Blog tab

  4. Click on Settings icon in the top right-hand corner

  5. Check the box to Enable the blog on my site and click the Save changes button:

 Adding a Blog post

  1. Select the Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Membership site tab, locate and select the site you want to set up a blog

  3. Select the Blog tab

  4. Click the + Add a blog post button:

  5. Complete all the fields:


If you choose to write all your posts in advance and leave them in the Draft publish status you can publish them from the Blog list page by clicking the EYE icon in the far right side of the blog name, next to the trashcan icon:

Adding a Blog Category

  1. Select the Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Membership site tab, locate and select the site you want to set up a blog

  3. Select the Blog tab

  4. Select the Settings icon

  5. Click the + Add a category button on the right sidebar:

  6. Enter the name of your category in the pop-up screen and click the OK button:

Adding a Blog Poster

The person you wish to add as a blog poster must be a member of your Membership Site. Assuming that is the case...

  1. Select the Content from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. In the Membership site tab, locate and select the site you want to add a blog poster to

  3. Select the Members tab

  4. Locate and click on the member's name to view the member's profile and enable them to post to your blog

  5. Click the red Make staff member button located on the right side of the member's profile:

  6. This Staff member can now edit, delete posts and comments, as well as post on blogs

Further Blog Settings

From the Blog Settings you'll be able to:

  1. Enable your Blog

  2. Change the Blog Title shown on the Blog Page

  3. Set up Community Features:

    1. Allowing comments on Blog Posts or adding a moderation step

    2. Content options on the blog comments: whether attachments and text formatting are available or not.

    3. Display Engagement Badges

  4. Access the Blog homepage and Blog post Templates Editors using the Site Builder.