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Website Settings

Updated on Apr 23, 2024

Navigate to your Marketing >> Main website >> Configure tab to edit the following settings:

Click on a setting above to jump down to that particular section in this guide 🥂

Name and title

In this section, you will be able to edit the Name and title of how your website site appears in the Configure tab. You will also be able to select which page on your website is the Home page

  • Site title - this will how in the browser tabs and title bar. If you don’t add a logo to your Site Theme, we will show the Site Title in the top right-hand corner of your website. See this guide for how to add a logo.

  • Home page - select a Page or Course on your site that you want your Home page to be.

  • Internal name - only you can see this name within your Simplero admin interface. You can keep it the same as the Website title or enter a new name.

  • Labels - add any labels here if you'd like, or create a new label by typing the name directly.

Site URL

This is the web address that your site will be available at.

You can hide the site from non-admins until you’re ready to launch and choose a landing page to show instead:

Card image

This image will appear on your customers’ Account Overview in their profile, where the sites they have access to are listed.

We provide the following size recommendation for best results underneath “Choose file”: 700 x 380 pixels

Community Features

Everything that has to do with liking or commenting on your Site’s Course lessons, Forum posts and Blog posts!

You can also add an email address to notify of any posts or comments requiring moderator approval (based on the settings you configure for that).

If you are on the Rule The World, Scale or Skyrocket plans and it's the first time you come across with Badges, learn more about Engagement badges here!

Notification Settings

NOTE! It’s best practice to host courses on your Membership Site, since it’s much easier to control access to them on a closed site (instead of your Main Website, which is always public).

However if you do host any of your Courses on your Website, participants would become Members of your Website. This is also the case when using the Blog on your Website.

In this particular case, members would have the option to receive certain notifications related to the site. Choose the default settings for new members in this section:

You can also disallow commenting by replying to email notifications.

Signup forms

This section allows you to add any of the opt-in forms you've created in Simplero to your site. See our guide here for more detailed information on linking your different Simplero opt-in forms to your site.

Social profiles (Social media links)

This section is where you add all the URLs to your social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. so people can select the icons from your Site footer and connect to your social media. 

As soon as you add your social media links on the section above, they’ll show up on your Site footer (example below):

Meta data

We have the Meta Data section where you can place your Meta title and description

You can also upload an image that’ll be shown when people share content from your website that doesn't already have an image.  

NOTE! The picture should be at least 200 × 200 for Facebook to accept it.


Add a trigger that fires based on different actions that members take on the site, such as when…

  • A new member joins

  • A member signs in

  • A member has not logged into the site for a certain amount of time

  • A member uploads a profile photo

  • A member creates a forum post

Here’s our guide on Triggers if you need an overview of how they work.

Advanced settings

Configure the Advanced settings for your site, such as adding a Support Ticket widget, a Custom 404 not found page, etc.

Not Found Page

What do you want us to show when a page or content on the Main Site is not available: Simplero's built-in or your own Not Found page 😀

Here’s our guide on how to set up a Custom 404 Not Found page.


SEO consequences of migrating your existing site to Simplero

Assuming you moved over the domain name, and use our blog migration tool to migrate your blog posts from your external site (on Wordpress, for example), all of your blog posts will still be served at their original URLs, though we will redirect them to the new URL.

As for all the other URLs, those will change. You can set up redirects for those manually, just like you'd need to move them over or recreate them manually in Simplero.

How this all affects SEO, we're not experts enough to say.

To Learn about your site URL check out our guides here on custom Domains and URLs

We also have a free Mastering SEO Webinar Series in our Simplero University (anyone with a Simplero account has free access to the this) with a video on SEO for a Website Migration to Simplero: How to Preserve Rankings & Results 💻

Remove "Powered By Simplero" From the Footer

For those on the Rule the World, Scale or Skyrocket plan you can remove the "Powered by Simplero" from the Footer by visiting: Settings >> Branding >> Colours and Logos >> Advanced Settings:

You can also choose to use the Simplero Affiliate ID in place of the logo.

Notice something out of date or missing with this guide? Email the support team and we'll get it fixed!