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Updated on Jul 16, 2024

Credits are awesome!  Have you ever wanted a way to track the provision of your in-person services that someone purchased through Simplero?  Well, you can!  Maybe you are a coach who sells sessions using Simplero - you can use Credits in Simplero to keep track of when those services were delivered. Here's how...

Enable Credits on your Account

The credits functionality is disabled by default but don't worry, it is very easy to enable!

Go to your Account>>Settings>>Simplero Labs and click Enable --> Done!

Create the Type of Credit You Offer

Before you can sell it (or even create a product for it), you need to define it. 

To do this you would do the following: 

  1. Select Settings from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Credits type

  3. Click the + Add a credit button in the top right corner

  4. Complete the fields for your new Credit

    • Name for your Credit

    • Name plural

    • Description - an explanation for you and your customers to know what these particular credits are meant for. 
    • Expiration - set the time period in which they expire (if they do). You will be able to override the expiration period when you sell the Credit via a Product.

  5. Click the Create credit button to save

Create a Credit Product

Now you can sell that Credit!  To do this, select the three dots to the right of 'create a product':

 See this guide for help if you haven't created a Product before

  • Select your Credit type:

  • Then you'll want to select the name for your product and select when the credits will expire:

  • Leave the quantity set to 'Let Customers Choose' unless there is a minimum number of credits they must purchase to be able to purchase credits. 

  • When you set your price, create a price that is for the minimum number of credits you allow. A subscription price will be automatically renewing price granting the set number of credits on each renewal. A purchase price will be a one time purchase of credits. 

  • If you would like to offer to sell more credits at a discounted price per credit:

    • Create a second price (this will be able to be done after the product is created) 

    • Enter the price per credit

    • Set the minimum number of credits people must buy in order to get that price.  On your order form, they will be able to choose how many credits they want and the system will show them the applicable price per credit.  

  • You can also issue the credits via a trigger depending on what you want the initial action to be. You can manually decide how many credits you want to issue from the trigger. 

Now go sell your product and provide the services you promised. Then it's time to use the credits...

Consume the Credits 

Once the Credit has been 'used' by the customer, record that in their Contact record.  

  1. Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Contacts tab

  3. Locate and select your customer name

  4. In the Contact Info screen, scroll down to the Credits section

  5. Click the Consume hyperlink 

  6. Write a note about when the Credit was used, and for what in the Consume Credits pop-up screen. You can consume full or partial credits. 

  7. The default 'consumed by' will be your admin username. However, you can click the drop down box and change it to another user:

  8. Then click the Save changes button

You can also give someone a Credit manually. 

  1. Select Contacts from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Contacts tab

  3. Locate and select your customer name

  4. In the Contact Info screen, scroll down to the Credits section

  5. Click the Issue credit hyperlink  

 Get an Overview

If you would like to see who has credits that have not yet been consumed...

  1. Select Settings from your Simplero Dashboard

  2. Select the Credits tab

  3. Look at the Outstanding column or click the Outstanding tab (you'll see this tab if you have several credits) to see a list of contacts who have unused credits

How can customers check their credits?

Customer can check their credits on their Simplero profile ( under the content tab: