Magic Login Link

Updated Aug 20, 2024

Using Magic Login Links in Simplero

Want to restrict access to your content without requiring a password? Simplero's Magic Login Links feature is the solution.

What Are Magic Login Links?

Magic Login Links allow users to access restricted content directly from an email, without needing to log in with a password. Users can request a Magic Login Link from a login page or use it as an alternative to passwords for any restricted content.

Key Points to Know:

  • Link Expiration: For security, Magic Login Links expire in 48 hours. If a user clicks on an expired link, they'll be notified, and a new Magic Login Link will be sent automatically.
  • Link Requirements: Magic Login Links work when sent via a Broadcast, Email Automation, Auto-response, or Simplero Trigger, and the content must be hosted on a Simplero Site.

How to Create a Magic Login Link:

In the Broadcast or Email Editor, highlight the text where you want to insert the link and use the link icon to set up the link.

Then paste any URL to your content and enable the Magic Link option.

That's it! The link to the content is now Magic!

 Why do customers receive a second notification with a new link?

When a user has access to content across multiple Simplero accounts, automatic access is granted via a Simplero notification. If the original link has expired, the user will be prompted to check their email for a new Magic Login Link. This is a safety measure that cannot be changed.


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