Create excitement and engagement with your members using Badges!
You can add a badge that will display next to your site members' names on post comments in the Site Forum, Blog and Courses. They look like this:
To find Badges, head to Content >> Sites >> Choose the site. Then press the three grey dots and select Engagement badges from the dropdown menu:
There are two types of badges you can assign:
System badges will be assigned to users automatically based on the criteria below:
1. Rising Star:
A customer who has joined the site within 30 days and makes a post on the forum that has more than five comments by other members.
2. Conversation Starter:
A customer who has recently created a post (within two weeks) that has more than five comments by other members.
3. Conversation Booster:
A customer who has added a comment recently (within two weeks) that has more than five replies in the thread.
4. Greeter:
A customer who has added a comment on a post created by a new member. For example, if a member joins the site and adds a post and another member of the site comments on the post, this badge will be assigned to the commenter. The comment just has to be made within two weeks of the original post.
5. Member Anniversary:
This badge is assigned to customers when they reach their membership anniversary and is displayed for 7 days.
To make a user-created badge, click the Create new engagement badge button on the top right corner:
Customise the following:
Appearance: Emoji, Name and Colour settings.
Awarding options: Set when should the badges be given to a contact.
What should they get the badge for?
Writing forum posts, comments or getting replies as well as when completing x courses or worksheets.
How many posts should they have written or how many courses/worksheets they must have completed?
When can they get this badge?
Any time:
Between specific dates:
Based on when they joined the site:
Revoking options: Set how long you’d like them to keep the badge for.
You can also revoke badges manually at any time.
NOTE! Both awarding and revoking events run daily at 4 AM EST (unless you award/revoke the badge manually). So don't be surprised if a member just completed a course and didn't get the badge right away 😀
You can manually assign user-created badges and/or add them via an automation or trigger:
Don't forget to enable the Badges feature under Site >> Configure >> Community features for Blog, Course, and Forum badges:
That's it! Now you're ready to spice up your Forums, Blog and Courses and engage your members! 🎉