Site Groups

Updated Feb 20, 2025

If you are using one Site to hold multiple courses and products and you'd like each community to be able to exclusively connect with each other, Groups is all you need!

Groups are exclusive Forums that you can grant access to for specific groups of people within your Site (ie. purchasers of a product, list subscribers, etc).

You can organise your members based on the Group they belong to, have multiple forums under the same Site with wider access permissions and broadcast configuration.

How to Create a Group Under a Site?

Head over to the Content >> Sites >> Choose the site >> Groups tab:

  1. Press the + Create a group button:

  1. Give it a public and internal name and customise the URL as well as the system default language:

  1. Enable/disable the settings applying to the group forum, like adding a prefix to the subject line when sending emails related to this group:

  1. Press the Create group button to save your Group!

You'll be able to revisit/edit all these settings from the Group >> Settings icon:

How to Give Access to a Group?

There are multiple ways to give access to a group. The most common are listed below:

  • Product Content tab: You'll need to grant access to the Site before you can give your product purchasers access to the group inside it.

  • List Content tab: Navigate to the list content and give access to the Site and group to your subscribers.

NOTE! If your purchasers/subscribers do not have a Simplero ID yet, an orange button will show up for you to set them all up in one click!

  • Manually from the Site >> Members tab:

    • Select the member, press Select action… and choose Give access to a group:

How to View Access to a Group?

  1. Click on the Groups tab within the Site where you created it.

  2. Press the title of the Group.

  3. Select the three dots in the top right-hand corner and choose Access to group from the dropdown menu:

    • This will display all of the Products, Lists and Individual Contacts that have been granted access to the Group.

  4. You can also grant access to a product and/or list from this page: