Order Bumps

Updated Jun 3, 2024

“Do you want fries with that?”

If you’ve ever been asked something like ‘would you like fries with that’, or ‘have you considered adding an extended warranty’ - you’ve experienced being offered an Order Bump. Adding Order Bumps to your products are a great way to increase your average order value. Instead of selling one thing, you can sell two or more at the same time!

Order Bump offers are visible directly on the order form prior to checkout. In order for your customers to add an Order Bump to their order, all they need to do is click the checkbox to add the additional item to their purchase. It’s that easy!

Here’s an Example of an Order Bump:

You might use this feature if you want to sell exclusive content along with your course - or maybe a digital workbook that complements the original product offering.

In our experience, adding items that complement the primary product (and are slightly cheaper than the primary product) tend to perform the best.

NOTE! To get started with using Order Bumps, you’ll first need at least two products set up. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select Sales >> Products from your Simplero Dashboard:

  2. Once on your Products page, locate and select the product you want to add an Order bump to.

  3. Then, select the Upselling tab:

  4. Click + Add order bump under the Order bumps section:

  5. In the Add order bump pop-up screen, you can add a Label, include a Description, choose a Colour, and select the Product and Price you’d like to set for the Order Bump:

  6. You can also choose some of the following options:

    • Hide price until the order bump is selected - Make the order bump price only visible when they select order bump.

    • Pre-select this order bump when order form is opened - Make the order bump show pre-selected when loading the order form.

    • Follow selected price conditions (if applicable) - If the order bump price has any special conditions, they’ll now apply on the order form if you select this option.

  7. After you finish adding your Order Bump details, make sure to click the blue Add order bump button to save it.

  8. The order bump item will now appear at the bottom of your order form after your Prices and before the Payment information:

NOTE! In order to use order bumps, the price needs to be collecting payment information (This would be a price greater then $0 or one with a free upon purchase but charging $x some days later).