I bet you've experienced this: Each time you send a broadcast to hundreds or even thousands of recipients, you brace yourself for the inevitable flood of vacation and out-of-office responses.
And if you encourage people to reply to you—or if they do, anyway, which is great, you want the interaction—then you end up with one long thread of replies and your replies to them and back and forth.
They all end up in one long thread in most email clients, and it quickly becomes a jumbled mess that's almost impossible to keep track of
Well, not anymore. Enter the option to Let Simplero Handle Your Replies!
If you turn this feature on, we'll do three simple things:
Filter out auto-replies like vacation and out-of-office emails
Create a new, unique subject line for each reply, so they end up as separate threads
Add a helpful link to the admin page for the contact
And then we forward the email on to your regular reply-to email address.
It's pretty simple, but it makes your life so much easier. It will make you fall in love with engaging your community again.
Select the Settings gear from your Simplero Dashboard
Click on the Account settings tab
Scroll down to the Emails section and toggle ON the Process and filter email replies and forward them to you option:
Now Simplero is set up to manage any replies to your emails sent from Simplero.
NOTE! If the Reply to email on your broadcasts is the same one set up for running support tickets through Simplero, then the replies will filter to your support tickets.