Now more than ever, you can easily resend a broadcast to those that didn't open the first time, or to those who have been added to your list (or product or whatever), since the last broadcast.
Go to a Broadcast that you've sent:
Select Marketing from your Simplero Dashboard.
Choose Email Broadcasts from the dropdown menu
Click the Delivered tab, locate and click on the broadcast you've sent:
You'll see the Broadcast overview and if you look in the top-right header, you'll see a Resend to… button. Click on that, and you’ll find the following options to choose from:
Same people
New subscribers
All of them will create a duplicate of the broadcast, with the same recipients, but with one additional twist:
Same people will send to the same recipients.
New subscribers will exclude anyone who received the broadcast, so it only includes people who came on board after the broadcast was sent.
Unopens will send to anyone who didn’t open the email.
Opens will send to anyone who opened the email.
Non-clicks will send to anyone who didn’t click within the email.
Clicks will send to anyone who clicked within the email.
Non-replies will send to anyone who didn’t reply to the email.
Replies will send to anyone who replied to the email.