Site Redirects and Shortlinks

Updated May 1, 2024

Site Redirects

Redirects is a fun feature with Simplero that let's you make a customised link that lives on your Simplero domain and redirects anyone to a page anywhere in internet land.

Think about but with your Simplero Domain! Let me show you how:

  1. Select Marketing >> Main website from your Simplero Dashboard".

  2. Select the three grey dots and choose Redirects from the dropdown:

  3. Click the blue Add a redirect button located in the upper right corner:

    NOTE! You’re limited to 15 characters.

  4. A pop-up window will appear with two boxes:

    • Box 1: Path on your site - In this box, you’ll enter the path or extension that you want to appear at the end of your Simplero domain. For example, if your Simplero domain is and you type Hello in this box, then the link you're going to be giving people is

    • Box 2: Redirect to this URL - In this box you will copy and paste the URL of the actual page you want them to go to. This could be a landing page you created in Simplero, an order form link, or anywhere else. The options really are endless.

  5. Click the blue Save button and you're ready to use the Redirects URL 

NOTE! This feature is only available if you have an activated Simplero site. If you don’t have an activated Simplero site, check out Shortlinks below.

Troubleshooting a Redirect that’s not working

NOTE! Make sure the URL you are using is not an existing live page. We can only redirect slugs that are not being used already!

An example: If home is currently an existing page on your site:

...the first redirect won't work, while the second one will:

You’ll see an error notice when creating the Redirect if you try to add a path that’s already being used on an existing site:


With Shortlinks, you can make a pretty or shortened link that directs anyone to a page anywhere in Internet land.

To create a shortlink:

  1. Select Settings form you Simplero Dashboard.

  2. Select the Shortlinks tab:

  3. Click the blue a shortlink button located in the upper right corner.

    NOTE! You’re limited to 15 characters.

  4. A pop up window will appear with three boxes:

    • Box 1: Shortlink - In this box, you’ll write the path or extension that you want to appear at the end of the shortened domain. For example, if you type Hello in this box then the link you're going to be giving people is

    • Box 2: Redirect to this URL - In this box, you will paste the URL of the actual page you want them to go to. This could be a landing page you created in Simplero, or Maybe an order form link. The options really are endless.

    • Box 3: Labels - Give your shortlink a label so you can organise it in Simplero:

  5. Click the blue Save button and you're ready to use your Shortlinks URL.