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Billing at Simplero

Updated on May 21, 2024

Here's what you can expect to see on your Simplero receipt and why. Looking for current prices? You can find pricing details for all of our plans right here.

How it works

We charge for the billing period ahead of time. That means when you pay your $99 monthly bill on January 1st, you're paying for the Launch plan for up to 1,000 contacts from January 1st to January 31st. If you upgrade or downgrade during that period, we'll pro-rate the charge and send you a receipt.

In the case of annual plans, we charge upgrades at the time they happen. 

We bill based on the number of active contacts. Contacts can be on multiple lists and still only count once for billing purposes. If you want to know who counts as an active contact for billing purposes, have a look at this guide. 

Billing is every 30 days for monthly plans and every 360 days for annual plans.  Text messages are charged on a monthly basis.

Storage & Text Messages Charges


When you sell ebooks, videos, or audio files, you first upload them into Simplero. We provide a generous amount of storage with each plan. You can see the details on our Pricing page. If you exceed your storage quota, the price is $10/month for each additional 100GB of storage. Only files you upload to your media library count toward your storage limit.

Most people don't get anywhere near the upper limit. Your monthly bandwidth allowance is 5 times your total storage, per month. Don't worry. It's plenty! 


You can also use Simplero to send SMS messages to your customers. 

Those SMS messages carry a fee depending on which country you're sending to. Here are the fee tables. SMS to the United States costs 1.5 cents, for example. 

Messages are charged monthly regardless of the plan.

Upgrades & Downgrades

We figure your Contacts numbers will fluctuate- that's a given. That's why we pro-rate your bill! 

We process upgrades for you whenever possible. If you're ready for an upgrade, and we haven't already done it for you, just send us an email and we'll be happy to move you up to the next tier. 

If you clean out Contacts, and want to downgrade plans visit Settings >> Plan and Billing >> Change Plan and select a lower number of Contacts for your plan. See this manual for more details.

Annual Plans

We're in this for the long term. If you are too, we've got a deal for you. Our annual plans offer a 17% discount over the monthly plans. 


Because of the discounted price, we do not offer refunds on annual plans beyond our standard 30 day policy.

Refund Policy

We understand things don't always work out. If you do have to leave, we want what's best for you.

Please see our Refund Policy and all our Terms and Conditions here.

Where Can I View My Past Receipts? 

Settings >> Plan and Billing

Here you'll find your receipt history. If there's something you're unsure of regarding the receipt, reach out to us in Support (