[New Community experience] Layouts and Links

Updated Aug 15, 2024

The Layout settings control how the navigation and the footer look like.

Layout settings

You can access the Layout on the top right corner:

Or from any of your site 2.0 pages. Simple.

From the page editor click on the Layout button on the top right side bar:

Configure the visibility of the header, and footer hovering on their name. Also per device:

Header settings include options like Top or left placement of the navigation, colour settings on light and dark mode, features you would like to give access to your members to, a CTA option, and whether we should make it sticky or not:

Footer section would allow you to edit the colours and which elements it should include:

There’s only one more configuration left.

Navigation and Footer links

They are located on the left sidebar which by default will be presented expanded:

You can add pages and other type of links to your navigation, footer or not linked links using the plus icon on their right:

Have any questions? Reach out to support! We'd love to help you out!