Do you want to know if your members are watching your videos? The average percentage of the video viewed? At which point they start losing interest?
When you go into your Media Library and select a file, it will take you to your admin page of the video. Above the video, you will be able to see:
- Total Playing Time- This is the total amount of time of all of the plays for all members.
- Average Engagement - This is the average percent of the video that people are watching the video.
- Average Play Duration - The average length of time for each time time the video was played.
- Total Plays - The total number of times it's been played. This could be various incomplete times watching the video.
- Unique Plays - These are the number of different people who've played the video.

At the top right hand corner of the media file, you'll have an option to show analytics on the video:

When you click to show the analytics, then it will overlay over the video. For example on a different video:

If the video has been watched by your logged-in members, you'll be able to switch over the to the 'members' view:

As long as someone is logged into their Simplero account, they'll be able to be listed under the members view:

Members view will show:
- Name - This will be their contact name. If you click on it, it will take you directly to their contact record.
- Email - The email address associated with them.
- Plays - The number of times they've played the video.
- Average duration - the average length of time that the specific contact watched the video
- Last login - The last time that they logged into Simplero.
- Sites they viewed on - Where they watched the video at. If you have multiple places that your video is hosted, then it would create a new line for the same member but a different site. For example:
Note: The video analytics are only for videos added to course lessons and legacy pages.