Quick Emails

Updated Aug 7, 2024

Sending Quick Emails in Simplero

Need to send a quick email to a customer without creating a full broadcast? Simplero makes it easy! From any list in your Simplero account, you can swiftly send an email to one or multiple clients.

When we say "list," we mean you can send a quick email to:

  • Purchasers of a product
  • Participants of a product
  • List subscribers
  • Your contact list
  • Event participants
  • Members
  • Groups
  • Course members

You'll also find this option in individual contact records and within automations. Essentially, anywhere you have a list of contacts, you can send a quick email.

Let's take a closer look!

How to Send a Quick Email

Inside contact records, you can send a quick email by finding and selecting this icon:

You can also send a quick email directly from any list. Simply search for and select the contact(s) you wish to email.

You will notice a new Select action... dropdown menu, click to expand the menu options.

Scroll to the Communication section of the menu, and choose Send a quick email.

Upon clicking, the quick email modal will open. Fill in all of your email details, and once you're done, simply click Send quick email.

What Email Template Do We Use?

When you send a quick email the system will use your default email template. To find your default email template, open your settings, and Email Designs. 

The starred template is your default template.

How to Manage Quick Emails?

Your delivered quick sends can be found in your Delivered Broadcasts with your other deliveries.

Where Do Replies Go?

Replies will be sent to the reply email you specify when composing your email. If you prefer, we can handle the replies for you. Just enable the relevant setting in your account settings to manage your replies directly in Simplero. 

Simplero will catch replies to your broadcasts, auto-responses, and library emails, filter out people's vacation responses and other junk, and then forward the replies to the email address you choose, where each reply will get a slightly different subject line, so the replies end up in their own separate threads in most email programs.

Open settings from your dashboard, and select Account Settings:

Scroll to the section titled Emails, and enable the Process and filter email replies and forward them to you.

You can find your replies in Simplero by opening the quick email from your delivered email broadcasts and navigating to the Replies tab.

That's it!


Notice anything wacky in this guide? Contact support by clicking the "?" button in your account, and we'll help you out.