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Membership Site Theme

Updated on May 22, 2024

To edit the Theme and customize it to your branding...

  1. Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard
  2. Choose Membership Sites from the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the site you want to edit the theme for
  4. Click on the three dots to open further tabs on the bar and select the Theme tab

  5. Select the Customize theme button in the upper right corner

  6. You will be directed to the customizer interface screen

  7. From here you will be able to edit several areas of your site
    • Colors - In the colors section, select the area you want to change. (Options are background, accent colors, border colors, text, buttons, header, footer, and sidebar). A color screen will pop up, you can either type in your color code or scan for your preferred color. Be sure to click the Save changes button.
    • Typography - In this section, you can change the font of your headings, body and buttons text.
    • Navigation - You will be able to choose the location of your navigation (top or left), choose the appearance, logos, favicon and call to action 
    • Announcement banner - Want to create a banner that pops up at the top of every page? Here is the place!
    • Footer - Here you can add a logo image, and choose to share payment methods and address.
    • Cookie Consent - Choose how your cookie consent pops up and its appearance. 
    • Sidebar - Here you can choose the viewing options and add content to the sidebar (if you have one)
    • Blog and Products - Both of these sections currently allow you to have a sharing option available. 
    • Assets - This allows you to include additional CSS and Javascript files

Edit Custom CSS

If you know coding we do offer advanced custom CSS in the theme screen


Warning! Making CSS changes can cause the page to break with future Simplero updates. Continue only if you know what you are doing.