As a course participant, you can control your notifications within a membership site.
Inside your membership site, in the upper right-hand corner, click on the Notifications bell. This will show you all your notifications.
Click the gear icon to personalize notifications
You will now see the Notifications screen where you can control notification on each item within a site. This controls both email notifications and the ones inside the site (when clicking the bell icon).
On that page, you can also control each group forum individually:
If you prefer, you also have the ability to control notifications from one specific Blog post or Forum post. See below.
To control the notifications on a blog or forum post:
Click on the three dots on that post (upper right-hand corner).
Choose to "notify you about new comments” (if you are currently not being notified) or “Stop notifying me about new comments” (if you are currently not being notified). This will override the general settings for this specific post.