End User Guides

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Are you having trouble with something related to a purchase you made from someone using a Simplero account? 

Most questions can be answered to contacting the person you purchased the product from.

However, there are some things you can take care of yourself.  Read on! 

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End User Guides- Lesson
NemID Authentication Of Purchases
This is only relevant for Danish customers, and will therefore be written in Danish It's recently been forced into usage, that all online purchases must be verified with a double authentication through an app on your phone, that confirms your identity. If you do not live in Denmark, nor have a Danish bank account, this will not be relevant for you. Sådan bruger du nøgleapp’en Før du kan bruge nøgleapp’en, skal du først have den aktiveret. Det har NemID lavet en guide på her: https://www.nemid.nu/dk-da/kom_i_gang_med_nemid/nemid_nogleapp/aktiver_nogleapp/  Nets har indført at der skal gøres brug af 3D-Secure ved hver enkelt online transaktion.Dette betyder, at det ikke længere er muligt at bruge dit nøglekort, og at du skal anskaffe dig nøgleapp’en på din telefon. Her er hvordan du foretager dig et køb igennem Simplero. Først skal du ind og udfylde de informationer der er nødvendige, på produktet du vil købe:   Herefter trykker du på ‘Continue’. Nu bliver du taget til skærmen hvor du skal udfylde kortoplysninger: Når det er gjort kommer du til denne skærm: Du bliver mødt med den samme log-in-boks, som du plejer. Udfyld dit NemID bruger-id og adgangskode og tryk derefter næste. Tryk på send for at sende en anmodning afsted til din nøgleapp. Det er ikke muligt at benytte sig af nøglekortet. Din anmodning er nu sendt til din telefon eller tablet, og du skal derfor finde den frem. På din mobil eller tablet har du modtaget en meddelelse fra NemID nøgleappen, der fortæller dig, at du har en afventende anmodning, som du skal godkende med NemID. Åbn din NemID nøgleapp. Indtast den firecifrede kode, som du valgte, da du aktiverede din nøgleapp. Hvis du har aktiveret fingeraftryk, vil du kunne låse appen op med det. På din skærm kan du nu se anmodningen. Du godkender anmodningen ved at trække pilen mod højre, hvor der står godkend. Hvis du ikke kan se anmodningen, skal du trykke på opdater, hvorefter den vil komme frem. Du modtager nu en kvittering på, at godkendelsen med nøgleappen er modtaget. Du kan nu vende tilbage til det sted fx pc eller tablet, hvor du var ved at udføre en handling. Klik på OK for at komme tilbage. Det er naturligvis også muligt at benytte sig af din Nøgleviser, skulle du have sådan én. Den kan du læse mere om her. Skulle du ønske at bruge "SMS+Kode" kan du også dette. Skulle du sidde fast med at gennemføre et køb, så kontakt endelig vores kundesupport.
Content (Downloads, Membership Sites, Courses)
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End User Guides- Lesson
Accessing a Product I Purchased
Products can come in 2 forms: An E-Product such as an MP3, MP4 or PDF or A Membership Site An E-Product Accessing the E-Product is very simple. When you complete your purchase you will promptly be redirected to the Thank You page where you will find the E-Product(s) and be able to download them. You may also receive an email from the account owner with a link to the content. You will want to save this URL or email for future in case you need to access the content at a future time.  Should you not have the URL or email simply email the account owner and they will be able to resend you the content.  A Membership Site If the purchase was access to a membership site you can go to your account page by going to the website of where you purchased the product, click your little icon in the top right, and then on your name This will take your to your Content tab, which is where you can see everything you have access to on your Simplero profile. You can also find it here: https://simplero.com/purchases We recommend bookmarking the for easier access. If the Site requires a user ID and password, you will receive an email from Simplero with that information. Should you forget it or lose that email simply email the account owner and they can resend it to you. If the product you purchased is a subscription you will still find it under the Contents tab until it expires.  After it expires, it will be listed but tell you your subscription has expired. At the top you can see the different options you have access to.
End User Guides- Lesson
Downloading Media (PDF, MOV or MP3) Files
Android Users  When downloading a Media (PDF, MOV or MP3) File, your files will go directly to your "Downloads" App.  Apple Users Unfortunately, iPhones don't allow downloading MP3's or other types of media files. We wish they did but they don't.  If you are using an Apple device, you will want to take a moment to check out these alternatives if you wish to download a Media File to your mobile device for storage (iPhone or iPad) and use at a later time.  The easiest way to download a file is to do so from your computer and drag the file to your iCloud (for PDF) or iTunes (for MOV or MP3) Files. When your iPhone or iPad has synced with your iCloud and iTunes, it will then be available to you on your phone.  However, if you are downloading the file directly to your iPhone or iPad, we have a workaround available to you.  First, you will need a 3rd party service, such as Dropbox or Google Drive (both have free entry levels with the option for upgrading to paid).  Find and install your desired App in Apple's App Store  On your iPhone or iPad device, open your file in Safari and click the link to the download:  The file will open in a new window with a "Share" icon at the bottom This will then open up all the apps you can "Share" the file to.   You will want to select your chose App (Google Drive or Drop Box)  Once you save the file to your Application, the file will be available to you when using the app on any of your devices (iPhone, iPad, Laptop, etc) Please Note that you will need to use the internet to access the files.  Apple Paid App We also hear great reviews about Documents by Readdle which can be downloaded here. (We are not an affiliate, and can't vouch for them outside of reviews we have read suggesting them and any help with this is out of our scope in Support)  Accessing Files in Apps when Offline To access your file when offline, you will need to edit your settings in the application account.  Please view those directions pertaining to your application here:  Google Drive here Or for Dropbox here.
End User Guides- Lesson
Simplero Mobile App v2.0 (iOS and Android)
   The Simplero app makes learning from Simplero creators on the go simpler and more accessible than ever. Easily access your entire library of Simplero purchases and content! We are constantly improving the Simplero app. Today, you can: View any courses and lessons from your favorite Simplero creators and use Favorites Playlists Bookmarks Transcripts Private notes Add new posts, comments, reply, and react to everyone’s comments on the Forum and the Feed page. Navigate to any page on the Site, including Calendar to book events Sales pages to purchase products And much more to come! Login page Once you've downloaded the app, enter your username or email and password then click on Log in: Your Home page The left Home icon will take you to your Home page where you’ll find your Pinned sites, Pick up where you left off lessons, and Recent sites you’ve visited. All Your Sites within Simplero Click on the middle icon at the bottom nav bar. Here you can find all the sites you have access to in Simplero.  You can navigate through them to access the courses on each of the sites: The sidebar menu on each of your sites shows the site navigation items. Lessons and Quizzes The course main page shows the description at the top, progress and search bar, then the lessons overview: The lesson page gives you the option to display the transcript, add the lesson to a playlist, and mark it as favorite. Have any quizzes? Submit your answers and get an immediate verification check!    App Settings To access your settings page click on the bottom right button in the nav bar. Limitations The new app uses a technology called webviews which has no resources to support Chromecast. To use background playback on Android make sure to set the battery use on the application settings to unrestricted.
Deprecated Features
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End User Guides- Lesson
Simplero Mobile App v1.0 (iOS and Android)
   The Simplero app makes learning from Simplero creators on the go simpler and more accessible than ever. Easily access your entire library of Simplero purchases and content, track your progress, and grow wherever you are. We are constantly improving the Simplero app. Today, you can: View any courses and lessons from your favorite Simplero creators Add new comments, reply and react to everyone’s comments. Track your progress and sync your progress with Simplero on the web Download content for use when you don’t have a good signal or don’t want to stream video AirPlay content to any AirPlay compatible device And much more to come! Login page Once you've downloaded the app, enter your username or email and password then click on Log in: Your Simplero Stores  The left menu icon will open a side bar showing all the stores you have purchased/signed up on through Simplero: Your Sites and Courses within the Simplero Store Here you can find all the sites you have access to on the Store you just chose.  You can navigate through them to access the courses on each of the sites: The side bar menu on each of your sites, allow users to navigate to other pages of the site, in addition to their courses. We currently only show pages that are on the site navigation. Lessons and Quizzes Download the course or individual lessons to have them available on your Simplero App while offline using the top right 'download' icon.  Mark lessons as complete and check the comments added to the lesson, then navigate to the next lesson using the arrow icons at the bottom. Have any quizzes? Submit your answers and get an immediate verification check!    App Settings and Download Folder From the Home Screen, you can find the Settings and Download folder on the top bar. Settings   In Settings you can change the theme to dark mode and adjust the video download quality, and logout. If you'd like to Logout, find the option at the bottom of the Settings view ⬆️ Download Folder Access the downloaded courses from the Store Home page. Note: this is V1.0 of Simplero's App.  Limitations Currently, you won't be able to edit comments/posts posted on the mobile app from the web and vice-versa. Visiting a page on the app is the same as visiting the URL from a browser, so if you have set any global triggers, they will fire. For things that are natively implemented in the app though (e.g courses), if you've got a trigger that's fired when the course URL is visited, then that one won't be fired. Same applies to embedded content through the lesson source. It will show up on site pages but it might not on course lessons through the App.