Managing Membership Site Notifications

As a course participant, you can control your notifications within a membership site. 

  1. Log into your Simplero account:
  2. Once you've logged in successfully, select the Your Stuff tab 

  3. Locate and click on the Membership site
  4. In the upper right-hand corner, click your picture and select the Notifications option from the drop-down list

  5. You will now see the Notifications screen where you can control notification on each item within a site.

  6. You also have the ability to control notifications from a specific Blog post or Forum post see below. 

Notifications on a Blog or Forum post

To control the notifications on a blog or forum post, simply click on that post and in the upper right-hand corner next to the title you will see a drop-down option that says the following. Click on it and select the notification setting you want. Once you have done this, this setting will now appear in the notification screen mentioned above. 
