1. Log into your Simplero account: https://secure.simplero.com/login
  2. Once you've logged in successfully, select the Affiliate accounts tab 

  3. You will now see a link to any affiliate program you are part of. 
  4. Click on the image for the program you want to access and you will be redirected to the affiliate page associated with that program. 
  5. You can now see the links to share products, as well as transactional information resulting from you sharing your affiliate links.  


Links Tab:

The Links tab, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page will give you the links you are able to share. You can also generate a custom link if needed. 


  • Purchases: When someone purchases a product through your affiliate link, it will show up on this tab.
  • Charges: When a charge is made for a purchase through your affiliate link, it will show up on this tab.
  • Payouts: When you have been paid out for for the commission you have earned, it will show up here.
  • Settings: Here you can update your information including the account information for your affiliate payouts.