How to Cancel my Subscription to a product

To cancel a subscription that you purchased...

  1. Go to the vendor's site
  2. Click on the profile picture on the top right side and then Your dashboard

  3. Once you've logged in successfully, scroll down and select Order History

  4. You will then see three tabs. Click on Purchases where you will be able to see all the purchases for that vendor.

  5. Click on Manage

  6. You will be redirected to the Payment management screen.
  7. Click the red "Stop your subscription from renewing..." link on the right sidebar:

4. Complete the reason for canceling and select the red "Cancel Auto-Renew" button. 

Your subscription is now canceled. 

You will now see something like this and you can use the red link to renew the subscription again if you change you mind. 

If the account owner has any automated messages set up to deliver on cancellation you will receive those. 

NOTE: If you need further help cancelling or changing your subscription, you'll want to reach out to the company where you made your purchase.