Sometimes when you subscribe to a list you are given access to content. This could either be an E-Product such as MP3, MP4, PDF, etc. Or it could be access to a membership site where you will find a preview of one of the courses or other content. 

Accessing the E-Product is very simple. When you confirm your subscription you will promptly be redirected to the Thank you page where you will find the E-Product(s) and are able to download them. 


  • You may also receive an email from the account owner with a link to the content.
  • You will want to save this URL or email for the future in case you need to access the content later.
  • Should you not have the URL or email, simply email the account owner and they will be able to resend you the content. 
  1.  If the opt-in was access to a membership site you can go to your account page

  2. Click on Your stuff tab.  You should see the Sites listed. Simply click on it and you will be re-directed to the site.

  3. You can bookmark this URL for future access. If the site requires a user ID and password you will receive an email from Simplero with that information. Should you forget it or lose that email, simply email the account owner and they can resend it to you.