Alright.So today, we're gonna talk through and set up together a freebie or lead magnet.So what is a lead magnet or a freebie?Well, oftentimes, when you're promoting or you're trying to get people into your system onto your list, you can just invite them to join their newsletter and let them know you'll be sending them, you know, follow-up emails or, you know, monthly value, etcetera.But a lot of times, it's easier to convert someone when you're offering them something free upfront in exchange for their name and email.
And this can be something that you can build on with an email sequence or something that kind of nurtures them towards, becoming a paying customer.So a lead magnet or a freebie could be a video, an audio, a a free video series, a PDF, an ebook, anything that can give them a taste of who you are and what you offer without giving away the full farm.Right?So you're not actually gonna be giving away, the actual product, but maybe a taste of it or something that could entice them to take the next step and become a buyer.Okay?
So the first step to set this up is to have a list specifically for the lead magnet.Okay?So if you go to contacts lists, you can create a new list and give the list a name.I'll probably just call this Christina's, lead magnet.You can see it here, Christina's lead magnet, but I would give it a name that actually relates to the actual content, what it is they're signing up for.
So it could be like, the, the, good food ebook, something like that.Anything that actually relates to what they're signing up for.Again, you can give it an internal name that just you will see, but the name here is what the customer sees.So if it needs to be different, choose internal name to make it different there.So if you go to the content tab here, you'll see that we actually have the ability to link the PDF or the video or the audio or the ebook, whatever it is.
Add the file here, and then you can upload it to your media library from here or select it from your media library if you already add it.So I've we've created this PDF called freebie placeholder, so I'm just gonna choose that.But there now you'll see that this is actually gonna show up on the default thank you page of the list when they sign up for the lead magnet or the freebie.Right?Same thing.
So this ensures that the link to the lead magnet goes on the thank you page.And if you click custom customize thank you page content here, you can actually, add your own copy to that page, to the customized or the the default, thank you page.Customize it a little bit with the title and the body copy, and then you can put your freebie placeholder and we'll or the PDF, and you Calvin, we'll link it down below beneath this copy.Otherwise, we'll just do default copy.So if you don't say anything here, we will say, you know, thanks for signing up.
Here's your lead magnet or whatever it is.Here's your content.And, again, it doesn't have to be be a PDF.It could be anything.It could be a video.
It could be a, audio, anything.Right?So that's the first thing is to make sure that the lead magnet they sign up for goes on the thank you page.And then the second thing you can do is you can have a follow-up email that also sends them the freebie or the lead magnet.So go ahead and click add auto response, and then the subject line can be, you know, here's here's your free PDF or whatever it is.
Probably get the name of the PDF.Zero days after sign up means it will be sent right away when they sign up.So you can add I'm just gonna add placeholder copy.Let's say, I'm gonna say hi, first name.Hi, first name.
Here's your freebie.And then, you would type out what you want the text to say.So, download the PDF or something like that.And then what you're gonna need to do is go grab the link to the PDF.So you're gonna click content up here and media library.
I like to open it in a new tab just so that I can come back easily to my auto response.And I'm gonna find the either you upload it, if you haven't uploaded it yet, or you find where you uploaded it, and then here's free freebie placeholder.And then you're just gonna click on the copy URL to clipboard icon.So I'm gonna come back over here and highlight the words of the button that I'm trying to create.So download the PDF.
Then I'm gonna click on this link icon here and paste into the URL section the link that I just grabbed.You can display it as a button, open in a window a new window isn't really, relevant because the freebie is a, PDF.So then I would insert, and now when they click this button, automatically, it will download the PDF to their computer, and then you can sign off here.Now let's say the freebie is an audio or it is a video.Instead of having a button that downloads that, what you could do is you can, upload it directly.
So you can click on this little icon here, which will pull up your media library.Let's say it's a video.So I could grab, a video here and choose what I want it to have the cover for.And then I could go click insert selected, and now it inserts my video here.So that's one option.
Just as a reminder, they can't actually watch the video within their inbox because email providers don't allow that.So we will automatically add this play button to the video.And then when they click on it, it will open up the video or open up the whole email in a new browser, and then they can and then it will start playing the video.It just it's not possible for videos and emails to be consumed directly inside the email.So we have a way to work around that for you.
If it's an audio, same deal.You can just click on the media library option, find the audio.I'll just do a random one.It looks like this from the back end, but if you wanna look at the preview, it will look like this.So then they can just play it directly here.
That's if you want them to be able to play it inside.Now if you do want them to be able to download the video or download the audio, then you would do, the button situation like I showed you.So download the audio, for example, highlight that text, go into your media library, and find the audio.Same process.Copy URL to clipboard.
Come on back.Highlight the text of the button.Click the link icon.Paste it in, and there you go.So now they can download that audio and watch it later if they need to.
Okay.And whenever you're ready and you've added the PDF here, just make sure to switch this to active, because then they can sign up and they'll get act they'll, actually be able to receive this email after they sign up.Lastly, when your, your list is created, you'll just want to create a sign up form either on a landing page or your website and connect it to this list, which will put them onto the list, moving forward so they can continue to receive their PDF.Alright.Let us know if you have any questions and support, and enjoy creating your lead magnet.
You got your list and your subscribers, now it’s time to set up a freebie giveaway or any sort of content. Check out all the options you have to share content with your list on the help guide Content.