Calvin Correli STAFF

Two things...

Hey @Everyone

Two things:

Number one: This is our new community AND our new community feature.

Come check it out and play around with it.

Go introduce yourself on the thread below.

Number two: The testimonial contest is still on.

Pull out your phone. Record a 90 second video sharing your love of Simplero. And you may win some INCREDIBLE PRIZES.

And you'll definitely win my eternal gratitude and some really great karma that you can take with you into the next life. Maybe. We'll see. I'm no God, just speculating.

Details here.

Love ya!


Jane Jackson

I'm interested to see how engaged this forum will be - is it to replace our existing forums within our membership sites?

Jeck Johansson

Hi Calvin & @Everyone ! The enter button doesn’t work here from my phone when wanting to make a new line here… That said. It looks and feels good here & I love most of the stuff that you shared on insta & in the email Calvin! 

Lise Halskov

Very interesting. Would love to find a better place for community than Facebook groups

Sausha Davis

I love the new design and so excited for the new community features!!! Whoop whoop! 

Anne Ribley

Ha! I literally debated randomly submitting another testimonial video simply because I have plenty to say about my love of Simplero! ♥️ And why it is such an immense gift for online creators, experts, coaches and entrepreneurs. 

Robin Green

The Community feature is looking GREAT! From your #1 fan!!

Anne Ribley

@Robin Green I stand right beside you! ♥️♥️