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Chrissanne Long


I realize we're still in the early/BETA stage of the community/forum for Simplero, but as I am slowly rolling out my membership site/community, I am feeling more and more that there needs to be a way for different conversations/topics to be organized (similar to #channels in Circle or topics in Skool. Is there any insight someone can give as to whether this is planned? 

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hi Chrissanne! Forums/Communities in Simplero are organized using categories. 

You can add them on the site forum settings and when there's more than one, they will show on the right sidebar to filter by category.

Is that what you are referring to?

Tue Olesen


Is there any current plans to enhance the notification system for membership sites, to make it more granular?

There are quite a few feature requests related to this - two of them are here:

My community is getting more active (good thing) but then new customers are being overwhelmed with notifications, cau…

Tue Olesen

Are you also sending half-written chat messages in Simplero worksheets?

This keeps tripping me over again and again: When i write chat messages in the Simplero chat inside a worksheet, i hit <enter> to make a linebreak but that sends the text that has been written.

I've been wondering about this:

Am i the only one that can't get my writing habits to connect with the design? 

I think it comes down to my subconscious not being in "chat mode", more in "i am writing an email mode" when replying to worksheets. Therefore i tend to write multiline responses and then <enter>…

Tue Olesen

Also, within the Simplero ecosystem we have two different behaviors with respect to newlines:

In Chat threads/worksheets: Enter sends the message, Ctrl+Enter creates a linebreak

In the Forum and Groups on membership sites, it is reversed: Enter creates a linebreak, Ctrl+Enter sends the message.

Please vote on the feature request above if you're also a fan of having this being consistent :-) 

Justine Weir STAFF

Upcoming Calls this week- July 22nd-26th

Happy Saturday!! ☀️
This week we have 2 Free Q & A's Available:
Monday July 22nd at 4:00 pm EST with Silas 
Thursday July 25th at 7:00 am EST with me 

Sign up for them here: 
See you there! ❤️

Janett Cook

Justine Weir STAFF

Hi Janett,
If you're looking for the payments you've made to Simplero and when, that will be in your plan and billing at:
If you're looking for the payments and dates of your customers paying you, that would be at 

Siw Bjørkås

Tips for setup of a consistently running automated webinar funnel?

Anyone have experience with making a consistently running automated webinar funnel using just Simplero?

I am looking for a solution to run a freebie funnel with a prerecorded webinar where I am selling my course. I have the main elements: an optin page, followed by a landingpage with the replay, and then the sales e-mail automation.

The difficult aspect for me, is how to handle the urgency factor.

I would like to "force" the leads to see the replay asap, and then have the links to the offer on …

Siw Bjørkås

Thank you Olga! That was a good idea.

I have testet it out. I put both the video and the links to the special prices within the countdown area, and it disappeared when time run out. So that was great.

But, when I refresh the page, the countdown starts again. :)

Do you have a suggestion for how to avoid that?

Justine Weir STAFF

This week's Q & A and Workshop Calls 📝

Happy Saturday !! ❤️

We have 2 Free Q & As this week:
Monday July 15th at 4:00 pm EST with Silas
Thursday July 18th at 7:00 am EST with Me

We also have a free workshop this week:

Live Funnels Workshop Wednesday July 17th at 1:00pm EST

Sign up for them here:
See you there 💪

Elsa Bonafonte



Is it possible to do a course with several cohorts?


Olga Maso Garriga STAFF

Hey Elsa, It is possible. Depends on what you want each cohort to heave exactly. Feel free to open a ticket and give us more details so we can help :)

Elsa Bonafonte


Elsa Bonafonte


Hello everyone!

Can anyone advise me how to do a paid event?

It is a Zoom webinar, but the person has to pay for the event before accessing it.

I'm going to do a paid webinar and I can't find how to do it. Neither with the events nor with the scheduling links


Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hi Elsa! 

For webinars I would recommend using a basic event (rather than a Scheduling link).

Funnels are GREAT for this sort of setup. I would recommend:

  1. Create a basic event (your webinar)

  2. Create the product that you will use to take payment for the webinar.

  3. On the Product Content tab, add a trigger to register the participant to the event automatically.

  4. Set up an auto-response on the product with the details and link to the Event page.

  5. Create a new funnel.

  6. On the first step of your funnel, use a landing page to describe the webinar details, and if you'd like to save steps on the process, you can embed the product order form on the landing page itself! So you will be taking payment right away.

  7. The second step of your funnel can be a thank you page where you let them know they've been registered to the event and to look for an email with the event details.

Feel free to reach out to support if you have any questions along the process! We are happy to help! :)

Elsa Bonafonte

Thank you,

My question is how to use it within my membershite. I can't publish the event there, because then anyone can subscribe without purchasing it.

Elsa Bonafonte

OK ;)

George Kao

Quick/easy quiz plugin to segment our audience?

I found the plugin RightMessage to be really easy to use (as a website visitor) -- it asks a series of multiple choice questions which was pleasant to answer, and afterwards, you get a page (And follow-up email) with a customized message and offer.   

I wonder if Simplero has the ability to do this?  Any ideas?

To see it for yourself, go to CreatorScience and scroll down for a moment and you'll see it pop up on the bottom right.

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Looks create! But I don't think we have anything similar to that at the moment.

Justine Weir STAFF

Upcoming calls ☎️

Happy Saturday!! 🎆
We have Two free live Q &A this week:

Monday July 8th at 4:00pm EST

Thursday July 11th at 7:00 am EST

Sign up here:

Have a great week ❤️

Ninka-Bernadette Mauritson

Different communities (paid and open)?

Hi team. I'm adding an inner circle coaching group to my membership. I want to have two different forums for the general and the paid membership. Is that possible? 


Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hi Ninka! Yes you can! Check out the Groups feature which would work well with the scenario you describe:

Tue Olesen

Community Calendar

Curious about this feature posted in the Simplero Changelog - any tips on where to find and activate the community calendar?

Calvin Correli STAFF

Yes. It's behind a setting in "Simplero Labs" still, because we need the new navigation/layout stuff to roll out in order to properly add it to the navigation in the Community site.


  1. Go to Simplero Labs and turn on the Community calendar.

  2. Go to Content > Events, create events, and link them to the Sites you want the event to show up.

  3. The sites need to have the new community experience enabled.

  4. Go to the Site and click the Calendar link in the left nav

Beth Martens

What are the advantages of this community forum style over the old one?

Or is it the same functions, just a different appearance? Also once it's enabled on a site is there any turning back if it's not right for what I'm wanting? Thank you!

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Answering your second question. You can turn back to the old experience after you've turned it On. It's a both ways switch. I highly recommend you give it a go!

Torill Fjæran-Granum

Trouble uploading?

Is there any trouble with uploading at the moment? I have some videofiles that I am trying to upload to my simpleroaccount, and it has been over 30 minutes and nothing has happened. Usually this goes much quicker.

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hey Torill, we are processing a backlog on the video encoding queue. We've asked the Engineering team to look on ways we can speed this process up. 

George Kao

Do this before July 1 -- Backup your Google Analytics UA data before they delete it...

It's something I wish someone had told me, but instead I had to figure it out! Not complicated, thankfully.

👉 On July 1, Google Analytics is removing data for those of us who had Universal Analytics installed. Which might be a lot of us here.

I learned the easy way to backup data -- see tutorial below.

I hope this helps!

Justine Weir STAFF

Upcoming Q & A🎆

Happy Saturday!! 🎆
Due to the American holiday, we only have 1 live Q &A this week:

Monday July 1st at 4:00pm EST

Sign up here:
Have a great week ❤️

Calvin Correli STAFF

Pretty excited about this thing that just dropped

Check out the little button on the left side of your table views in admin ...

George Kao

Nice!  This will make tags even more useful🙌🏾

Calvin Correli STAFF

Yeah. And Labels.

Tue Olesen

What if users could search the text in video bookmarks?

Anybody here using video bookmarks to help users navigate content in courses - either manually created or via automatic transcription?

Of course it is great that people can read the video bookmarks when on the specific lesson page within a course, but what if the video bookmarks were also included in search results?

How nice would it be, if somebody entered a few words into search and were sent directly to that specific starting point inside a video giving them the solution to their problem?

I …

Calvin Correli STAFF

I agree. I think it's a great idea!

George Kao

Easily see the Top comments

The more active a course or forum, the more pain this is -- when looking at a popular thread, it'd be great to have an option to sort "top" comments on top, rather than just new vs old...

Or if it's easier, just allow the Admins to pin the best comments at top:

The above are old feature requests that is more relevant now that we're switching to the new community experience.

Thanks for considering :)

George Kao

FYI -- either of these features would instantly make our forum better than what Skool provides (an increasingly popular competitor to Simplero that I'm actively studying right now.)

George Kao

Essential listening for leaders of memberships -- Jay Clouse coaches Ali Abdaal

Found this very helpful... for showing me the mistakes I've been making in my membership community and how to tweak things for my next community launch.  

It gets good about half hour in, and really cooking at about the 1 hour mark. 

(Thanks to Eva Live for sharing this with me.)

I cannot seem to @mention anyone in this forum yet?🤔

Lis Alvarez STAFF

We are working on making it possible to mention members within the Simplero Community.

Before that, we want to add more Privacy options so that everybody feels comfortable sharing and contributing in the Simplero Community. Working to make it happen asap!

Calvin Correli STAFF

Good news...

100% uptime in the past week.

George Kao


However, today, this site (and my Simplero site) have seemed unusually slow... 

George Kao

We should cancel the "cancel" link in post creation/commenting...

It's weird to see the "cancel" link so prominently next to "post" or the send button.  None of the other major social media platforms have a "cancel" link.  

Do you agree?  See the feature request here:

Calvin Correli STAFF

I'll take a look.

Justine Weir STAFF

Upcoming Free Support Calls ☎️

Happy Saturday!
We have 2 Free Q & As this week:
Monday June 24th at 4:00pm EST
Thursday June 27th at 7:00 am EST

Sign up here: 
See you there! ❤️
George Kao

Recent spam reporting has gone up?

Hi All,

Those who monitor the "spam" percentage of email broadcasts... have you noticed that it's gone up recently? 

When I look at the (thankfully, very few) who are now reporting my spam broadcasts -- several of them I know personally.  I don't think they would do the vicious act 😆😅 so I wonder if something changed in some email softwares that signal "spam" to Simplero?

Or maybe Gmail's new "unsubscribe" button in the inbox triggers the "spam" signal for Simplero?

Just brainstorming here... anyone know anything? :)

Calvin Correli STAFF

I'm not sure what's going on. I'll have Lis take a look.

Calvin Correli STAFF

Update on downtime

Hey everyone

As you may have noticed we had some downtime last week, and that sucks.

We had one instance where our database server became wholly unresponsive, and we had to restart it.

Thankfully, database servers are designed to be extremely resilient in the face of having to be forcibly shut down, so everything came back up clean and fast.

There was no data loss at the database level, but there was obviously some at the application level, meaning that anyone trying to opt in, buy, or access y…

Tue Olesen

Happy to hear this - i believe over the last week i've noticed improved page load speeds on the new community experience. Maybe the fast friday's are already taking effect. This is so good for the user experience!

Calvin Correli STAFF

Yay, that's great news!

It should, since fixing this background job that was gobbling up resources and creating database locking issues (which means one process has to wait for another) a lot of the time.

George Kao

Anyone else playing with Ai graphics?

I don't intend for this to be promotional but I had to share... playing around with for a logo of my upcoming course and the simplest prompt with my course name "Create aligned offers with George Kao"(without referencing Simplero at all) produced this design randomly :)

Dax Hock

Kreate Aligned Offers - KAO

George Kao

brilliant 🙏🏼😊

Dax Hock

Proof that AI isn't 100% there yet. But seriously, AI is pretty incredible. Have you hear the music it can produce? It's so real, it's actually a bit scary. 

George Kao

Reply to a comment doesn't immediately show up?

Hi All -- I noticed something... when I reply to a comment here in the new forum, it doesn't show up immediately even though at the top of the screen it says "your reply has been posted".  I have to refresh the post to see the reply was posted.  Most people wouldn't know to refresh, so they might get frustrated or even write multiple replies... 

You can try it below my post here :)

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Thanks George. I can see that happening when the reply is posted through the modal, while it shows right away on the forum or post (full) page.

I've reported to the Engineering team right away.

Juan Cruz Obaid

QuickBooks Online Integration

Hi there. Does someone have succesfully conected to Quickbooks Online for accounting purposes?

I have some companies that uses simplero and collect money with Stripe, but so far we could no find a way to sync data between Simplero, Stripe, and bank statements to register in QuickBooks.

Downloading Stripe reports I found that thay list the purchase number from Simplero, but looking in Simplero reports for purchases and receipts, when I downloaded them, there is no "purchase id" data in there, Simplero shows "transaction id" data. So we cant link records and transactions.

Can someone here help with this?


Juan Cruz

Cathy Betoin

This would be very useful.   Is there any way the connection can be automated - I have seen it done and it’s a huge time saver not to speak of being more accurate - would also assist with the ongoing need for pdf invoices for B2B 

Silas Johnson STAFF

Page Builder 2.0

Hey Everybody! We will be putting on a Q&A specifically for Page Builder 2.0 this week Thursday June 20th at 4pm EST.

Page Builder 2.0 is the new page builder that we will eventually be migrating to, so we want to make sure everyone gets comfortable with it!

We would love for you to join with all of your questions.

Please comment with any questions as well and we will try to go over them in the Q&A. It will be recorded.

We plan on doing a few of these, so if this time doesn't work well for you, catch us on the next one! We will be alternating times to try and accommodate everyone

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Register Here: