Hey.Nice to see you.Hey.Nice to meet you.I think I've never met you before.
No.We haven't.Oh.I I postponed my, live event 30 minutes so I could join today.Yay.
So I have to leave in 30 minutes.That's that's perfect.No problem.Anyway, I'll post the recording after, so don't worry.Great.
Awesome.It'll be fun.Anyway, it should be quite short, depends on the number of questions that you guys have, of course, but it's not a very long workshop, what I have to explain.So maybe we're done in 30 minutes.We'll see.
Welcome, Susan.Welcome, Jen.Right.Oh, welcome.I'm not sure your name.
It says directory toolkit.I'll switch it.It's right.Nice to meet you.Yeah.
Wait.I'll wait 1 minute to see if anyone else comes in, and, otherwise, I'll I'll start the workshop.Will there be time for questions as well?Yes.Yes.
We'll start I'll show you a few examples, and I'll I'll, I'll explain first.And then at the end, we'll have some time for questions.If you need to leave before the questions, that's all good.I'll send a recording, and either you can email me back with the questions or just open a support ticket.Anyone in the team will be able to help you.
But yeah.For sure.Right.We're gonna start, and then if anyone joins later, they will they can catch the recording.Let me just share my screen.
Well, welcome, everyone.Before I do that, my name is Olga.I'm part of the Simplero customer support team.I've been with Simplero about 3 years now.And, yeah, happy to meet you all.
I don't think I've met anyone before, so, really nice to meet you.I'm gonna share my screen.Right.Okay.All good.
Can you see my screen?Can you give me a thumbs up if you can?Yeah.Perfect.Right.
So I just did, like, just a Simplero, index here.So I'm, first giving you an intro of what are the events in Simplero and how they look like.I'm gonna then show you how to create single events, recurring events, and all that and what that means.We're gonna talk about Zoom.We're gonna, talk about setting up events that need to be purchased.
And then I'm gonna show you how to create a reminder automation, which is not fully events, but it's something that it's very common that a lot of people wants to create when they create an event.So I wanted to show you that too.So first, I'm gonna show you just as an intro how events can look like in Simplero.So this is, for example just let me hide this one.Right.
So this is, for example, Simplero Boot Camp website.In here, we have a calendar page.And in here, we have a bunch of events.You can see them as a list in list view or you can go to the calendar view, and you can also look at them in the calendar.Then if you click on any of them, in this case, you can join directly because it's only for people that is part of the boot camp, but you can see all the information in here.
So I'm gonna show you how to create that, how to create single bands, and just a a bit of housekeeping here.So first, I'm going to explain, this bit here.And then at the end, I'm going to look at the questions that you guys have in the chat.So just post them there as you come up with questions and I'll look at them at the end.So first of all, to create a single event in Simplero, you'll go to your events page.
So I'm going to use my test account.If you go to content and events oh, sorry.Here.You can click on create a new event.And now let's say I wanna create a workshop that I'm gonna do only one time this week, for example.
I'm gonna call it oh, that's a workshop.To make it simple, I'm not gonna choose any of these now.I'm gonna show you later what that means.And then in here, I'm gonna choose the time, obviously.And then this time, I'm gonna make it, repeat because it's only one time.
Here, you can choose the location.So you if it's online, you can add the location URL.Then you can the label, for the link, like, if you wanna say join now or whatever you wanna add.If you don't add anything, it will say join now.If it's an in person event, you can, look up the address in Google Maps or you can say to be determined.
And then in the details, you can choose a cover photo or video for the event.So in this case, I'm gonna just go to the stock photos.So in here, you can search, our our, library of pictures.So you can say, for example, I'm just gonna type workshop, see what comes up.Well, not exactly what I was looking for, but I'm just gonna choose this one.
And then here, you can add a description of the event.So join me for a great workshop.Here, for registration, you get you get 3 options.You can choose for them for your customers to not register.So in that case, they will simply add the event in their calendar, come over, join the event, but you won't see who is registering for your event.
You can choose automatic approval.What this means is that everyone that clicks on register will register straight away.And you can choose manual approval, which I'll show you later.What this means is that when they click on register, the registration will show as pending until you go from the admin side and you approve their registration.This is useful, for example, if you have events that are only for certain members of your, of your community or if they need to do something previously to previous to the event that you wanna check, you can use that option.
So for now, I'm gonna go for automatic approval.With triggers, you just wanna go, for now for now, you're just gonna go say first.I think we have someone trying to enter.Yes.Let me start with Malene.
So for triggers, first of all, you need to create the event, and then we will add the triggers later.We'll leave it as it is now, and I'll explain later what that means.So I'll just create the event for now.And this is how it looks on the admin side.So you will see the events, the title, the date, and a few details of the events.
If you have anyone that has signed up, you will see the participants here.And then on the right side, you will see the link to the to the events that you can copy and send to your customers, or you can view the event page here, edit the events.And here on the 3 dots, you can duplicate it or you can delete it if you want to.For now, what I want to show you is what happens if you copy the link and share it with someone.I'm just going to open an incognito page just to show you what your customers would see.
So they will see the your event page, and then here, they will be able to register.In here, they will add their details as an example, and they will be able to register.And that's it.That's how it looks.Easy.
Once they do that, they, will see the calendar link.They will be able to add it to their calendar, download it as an ECS file.And if they wanna cancel their registration, they can also click here to cancel their registration.On your side, when someone registers, I'm just gonna refresh this page, you will see here the number of registrants.So you'll be able to click in here, and then you'll be able to see all.
And if the event is, manual approval, you will see who's approved, who's pending, who's canceled.So just as an example, I'll show you what the manual approval looks like.To do that, what I'm doing is I'm going to edit event, and then I'm going to scroll down to go to the registration and click on manual approval.Save changes.And now I'm gonna go do what I just did again.
So I'm just gonna copy the link and paste it in an incognito window.This is a great way to test to do it in an incognito window because, otherwise, Simplero thinks that you are the administrator of the account and it might behave differently.So if you wanna, test anything in Simplero really, but the events, for example, you Calvin use an incognito window.Another tip that I can give you when testing is that, you can create an automatic test email.So my normal email would be olga.simplero.com.
If you add a plus right before the at on a number after, this will create a new test for Simplero, but you will still receive the emails in that email address, in Simplero.So it's a good way to, create test users if you need to test anything inside Simplero.So I'm gonna do that with a new test user because now I changed it to pending.You will see that here it shows your registration is waiting for approval for your customers, and they cannot add it to the calendar yet until it gets approved.So if I go back to the admin side here and I go to the participants, what I see now is one approved, which is the first one we did, and then I see a pending one.
With the pending one, I can, approve registration or I can deny registration.So if you go approved, it will show as approved, and that's all good.That's for single events.Something I told you I would show you later.So let's say now that I I wanna show this on my side.
So I have created a test site for you.We'll open it in a new window.So I have a site here, which is August coaching site.This is my site.And now I can see my site here with my forum.
It's empty now because I just created for, test purposes.Now in your side, if you wanna show this calendar in the calendar page, what you can do, sorry.If you wanna show this event, that's what I meant.If you wanna show this event on your page, what you can do here is on the sites to list on option, I can look for for that site.So if I go to Golgas Coaching site here, you can list it in as many sites as you want.
So if you want your event to show in many community sites, you can do that too.So I now choose to show it in all guys coaching site, save changes.And now if I go back let's see.Sorry.I'll move that.
And I moved that out of the way, maybe.Yes.So if I go to August coaching site again and I refresh, now it has it shows a calendar.Before, it wasn't showing because I didn't have any events on my page.So that's why the calendar was not showing.
But now if I go to my calendar, voila, it has automatically added the workshop that we just created, and you can look at it as a list or as a calendar view.If your site has been already created and you don't have a calendar in there yet, you can add it by going to your site.So let's say it's this one, edit layout and navigation.And then here on the left side, that where you have main navigation, you can go to add.And then here you can choose calendar.
This is if you don't have it there yet.This is for the new community, type of sites.If you have an old type of site, just you I can show you later how to do that if you want me to.But I'm gonna show this community site because it's the, the most recent way we have in Simplero, and I think it's it's the coolest way for now.So this is how it shows on the customer side.
Now what I'm gonna, show you is how to create recurring events.So now let's say, okay, I have my coaching site and I have a weekly call with my customers that I wanna show in the calendar.To do that, I'll go back to my content, events, and I will create a new event, which this time will be recurring.So I'll go weekly coaching call.This time, I'll put it straight away on my side because I'm sure I wanna show it there.
This bit, I'm gonna talk about later.So now I wanna make it let's say it starts on Thursday, and I want it every week on Thursday.Here, you can choose how many times you want to run it or by date when it ends.You need to choose something here.This is because, otherwise, the system collapses because it tries to create events forever.
But you could choose, like, 50 times or a 100 times or, like, if it repeats for the whole year, for example, you could choose a high number of times.Oops.And then down here, I'm gonna choose in person.I'm gonna choose Barcelona because that's where I'm from.And then well, actually, it was a coaching call.
Right?It doesn't make sense.Right.I'm gonna throw I'm gonna choose online event because that was it was a call.Then you go here.
Stock.Let's try Zoom call pictures.Let's see what this comes up with.This one.Join me on my weekly calls.
And then I'm gonna go for automatic approval.And this option here, I haven't talked about this one before.This is if you wanna send calendar invites to to registrants.So it's pretty self explanatory.If you want if you want, this email to be sent to your customers when they register, you can just turn this option on, and then you can personalize as much as you want.
So if you want, you can write the event title straight away.But if you use this, case here, you Calvin, it will populate automatically.If you wanna add more like that, you just need to go here to insert.And then in here, it will automatically show the event title, description, location.So let's say I wanna go from 0 and I'm gonna go location.
You can insert the location here, title, and it will automatically populate the email for you.So this is very useful if you are creating many events and you just wanna duplicate it from the previous one.You can just use the interpolation keys.This way, you don't have to keep modifying the emails and doing everything over and over.You just do and then you can create the event.
And this is how it looks.So this is on the admin side.I can see the event, the information.And then here, because it's a recurring event, it will show me all the event repetitions that I've that I've scheduled.What what's different from the single events is that you can choose.
So, for example, here you have the link to the event series.What that means so if you use that link, it will show to your customers the first coming event.So if you share it now, it will show the 17 October.But if you share it after that, it will show, for example, 24th.So it will show the next event if you use this one up here.
However, if you wanna share the link to a specific event, for example, let's say, 21st, you can do use this one here, which copies that specific, events instead.If you wanna modify the event, so let's say, you wanna change, instead of Thursdays, it's gonna be Wednesdays from November.You can use a really cool option here, which is edit event repetition from this event on.So if you choose this one here, you can change it for, let's say, Wednesday, gonna, And I'm just gonna save changes, and then it changes all the events after that.If you wanna change a single event, so let's say, I don't know, this 1, 20th November is on a different time, you can go to that specific occurrence as well, and you can edit it, and you can change it to 3 PM.
If you want in here, you also have the option to update the time on all the future events.You don't have to choose that though.So if it's only this event that, let's say, you're doing it later, you can just save changes and it will update only that specific event.So that's that's pretty cool.You can also delete events here, obviously, view them, and you can add triggers, which we will talk about that later.
But you can add triggers to each specific event from here.If you wanna edit the event information, such as the title or the picture, you can just go here to edit event series.And from here, you can edit, all the things that affect all the events, let's say, this way.And just so you can see, if I go back to my coaching site and I refresh, now it's showing.So now in the calendar, we have the weekly coaching calls, the workshop.
That's all I've added for now, but you would have also if you look at the calendar view, we also have it there.So this is very easy, to set up and very cool, I find.Obviously, I I'm a a Simplero fan, but, let me just go back to my PowerPoint here.Right.So now we've talked about, the single band, recurring bands.
Now I know a lot of you are still using Zoom because unfortunately in Simplero, we don't have a way to stream live yet.Fingers crossed, it comes some time, but for now we don't have, we don't have a way to do that straight away.With Zoom, you have a couple of options.If you're using Zoom to do your events, you could either, so if I go back, sorry, to my events.So you could either simply go to the location, choose online, and paste the, event location URL here.
You could simply do that.The only thing about that is that, if your customers register in Simplero, they will not automatically show in Zoom.So this is only for them to see the location, but things will not be synced between Zoom and Simplero.Now let's say that you're creating all your meetings in Zoom and you want everything to sync to Simplero.In that case, you wanna use our direct integration with Zoom.
To do that, you'll have to go to your settings and go to integrations.It's pretty simple.Like, if you scroll down, you'll click here in connect to Zoom, and you'll need to follow, a series of steps to log in to your Zoom account.But once you do that, the events in Zoom will sync to Simplero.And I don't have it in this account, but I pulled an event for you here.
So when an example.So when you go to your events, if you will have it connected with Zoom, you will see a Zoom tab here.So if you go to your Zoom tab, you will see all the events that you have synced from Zoom.You would recognize them because they have a zed here.So if I look at all my events, Simplero ones have an s, and Zoom ones have a zed.
Once you do that, what will happen is that all the events in Zoom will keep syncing to Simplero.So when someone registers in Simplero, they will register in Zoom.So everything will be synced with between both platforms.Something you need to take into account if you use that integration is that you cannot use instant meetings.So you need to use, meetings that are already scheduled.
And, if you you need to use a business account to use registration.So if you only have a Zoom personal account, they don't have an option to have registration settings, so you won't be able to use that option in Simplero either.If you have a business account and you set it up as, registering in Zoom, then you will be able to register in Simplero.That's something important to take into account.Right.
So let me talk about setting up events that need to be purchased.There's a couple of ways that you can do that.Well, a couple of things you need to take into account.So one option is let's say, for example, here I have my let's go back to my August coaching schedule.So let's say that now I have a VIP event that only VIP only my, members that have purchased the VIP product can attend.
Obviously, if I wanna I might wanna show that here because I might wanna show that there are VIP calls, so other people want to purchase.But I don't want everyone to be able to register.If that is the case, what you wanna do is when you create your events let me go back, content events.Let's say I want to create VIP events, which I want to list in my coaching site.So when I create my events, I want to choose here a product that gives access to it.
What this does is it will only allow, registration from people that has purchased that product.So here, I already created previous previous to that workshop the August VIP product.And then so only people that has purchased this VIP product will be able to register.Something that might be confusing is that this doesn't mean that everyone that purchases the VIP product will be automatically registered for the event.What this does, it it only locks the registration to those people, but it's not, automatic.
We will do this in a second, how to do that automatically, if they purchase the product.So if I do that and then I create the event, it should show in my coaching side here the VIP event Or people that is not has not purchased the product, which is my case, this is how it will show.You do not have access to this event.If they have purchased the VIP product, then it will show the button to register.That's the first thing, if you want to connect your product to or your events.
Now let's say you want it differently, Nelik.Let's say you want that everyone that purchases the VIP product gets automatically registered for the VIP event.To do that, you will need to use triggers.So I will go to the product, the all gas VIP product, and I wanna add the trigger here that when they purchase this one, they get registered.Inside content, if you scroll down, you can add a trigger here, and you can say, okay, when the participant is activated, so when they purchase the product.
And then you scroll down until you find events, they get registered for an event.Which event?Not showing now.Because I've already added the restriction to the other one.Let's say I wanna raise them for the August workshop.
I would need to take the the restriction off.But let's say, yeah, let's say August workshop.So when they, when they activate as participants, they will automatically register for this event.And then I go save changes, and that's what will happen.So now every time that someone purchases this product, they will get automatically registered for this event.
That's a way to make it automatically.Also with triggers, which I didn't fully cover before, you can add other types of triggers.So if I go to content and events and I go back to the events that I just created, let's say August workshop as an example, if you go to the edit page, you can add any triggers you want.So you can add a trigger when a person registers for an event, when a person, gets approved or canceled or canceled by them.So let's say you wanna send an email when they can if they cancel the event, you can do that and then you can send an email after.
Or let's say you wanna add a tag when they register, you can also do that.So when registration is created, you can add a tag.So there's multiple, multiple triggers that you can add to your events.Something, that is really cool is that if you sync if you add the Zoom integration, the it will show 2 more triggers.So it will show a trigger that starts when someone joins a meeting and when someone leaves the meeting.
Because Simplero will be Zoomed synced with Zoom, we will know when it's when this happens.So then, you can add triggers for that, which is which is pretty nice.Also with Zoom, So if you go to participants here, you can see all the information of everyone that signed up.If you have Zoom synced, you will also be able to see how long they attended to the meeting, when they joined.So in this case, it doesn't show because it's not a Zoom event, but you will be able to add attended time in here.
Oops.Sorry.I'm not update.Now it doesn't show anything, obviously, but it will show how long they attended.So that's, yeah, that's pretty cool a pretty cool function.
What am I missing?So I talked about events.One last thing.So how to create a reminder automation.This is something that we get asked a lot in tickets.
So let's say, for example again, talking about the workshop, let's say I wanna send a reminder a day before and 1 hour before and 15 minutes before.To do that, the easiest way to do that is to set up an automation.Just for you to know, automations are only available in Calvin Skyrocket, not starter plan, just for you to take into account.So you can only do that if you have one of those plans.To do that, I'm gonna show you, if you go to marketing and automations, how to create an automation.
So when someone registers, they get those emails 1 hour before, 5 minutes before.Without the automation, all they will get is this email here.So the one you set up here, this day will get it anyway at the moment they register.Or you can also add triggers to send emails at the moment they register, but you cannot do it an hour before or 15 minutes before, like probably most of you got, before this workshop.To do that, you will need to create an automation, which I will show you how to do.
So if you go marketing, automations, create an automation, focus, reminder for workshop, reminders, for example.It's super simple to create.So first of all, we will need to add trigger that starts the automation.This, for us, in my example, will be the event registration.So this is what starts the automation, what's the trigger that starts it.
So when registration is created, which event oh, that's let's choose that one.Save changes.That's it.You can choose multiple events.So, if, for example, you have many workshops coming up, you don't need to create one automation for each one.
You can keep adding multiple events here so they all come to the automation and get the reminders.The only thing you need to take into account if you do that is that you need to make the emails generic, because, obviously, if you add details to your email about the workshop, it will be confusing for them, and I will show you how to do that.So if you add a step here, first thing we wanna do is wait until whatever time we wanna send the email.So let's say we wanna wait until one day before the event to send the email.Here, you I wanna add a wait step.
And then I I'm gonna make it based on the event start date.I wanna make it one day before and save changes.So we will wait until one day before the event starts, and then I'm gonna last step to send an email.And I'm gonna say, the workshop is tomorrow.Yay.
Reminder.Whatever information you wanna add in here.And then remember that you can use the insert, to make it interpolation keys instead of the name of the events.So you can use this little trick to then make it more generic and be able to use this for multiple emails.Because this way, you if you use, let's say, for example, title, time.
If I add here, I don't know, events workshop, obviously, it will send this to every single person.But I to every single, different event.But if I add here, I go insert, and I go event title, it will magically send, the title of the event that they registered for.So this will help you make it more generic and use this this automation for all your events.And then I wanna add, for example, the time.
You can add as many things as you want here.You can also add, obviously, their first name, last name, email.But something that is very useful is, the event URL here.So this is if they wanna reschedule or cancel.This is the link that they will need to click.
So let's say you wanna remind them, hey.If you cannot make it, click here to cancel or reschedule.You wanna add this one here, and this will automatically send the email with that link under.And save changes.And now let's say we wanna wait until an hour before to remind them.
We will this step again, wait for the event start date, and then I wanna wait for 1 hour before, Save changes, and same thing.You can send an email.Workshop is in 1 hour.Here, you can add whatever content you wanna add, save changes, and voila.And you can even do, for example, if you want to, send an email after the workshop with a link to a survey to tell you how that workshop went, you can also do that.
So you can add a step, wait for event start.Let's say, 1 power after the event, save changes, and then you can also send an email with a spray.So you have everything automatic.You don't need to remember to send those emails.It will happen for every event that you create.
So, this is pretty awesome way to make everything automatic.Something you wanna take into account is that you wanna put these wait steps in order.So if you put this one, wait until 1 hour after the event starts before this one, this one will not get sent.So it will you wanna put them in the order that they happen, let's say, in this way.And I think that's everything I wanted to show you regarding events.
Let me go back to see if you have any questions in the chat.Wait.Charlo needed to go, attend the time.So, Atle, you're asking just to make sure, do we see the time they attend if they only register in the event, or do they have to register in Zoom as well?And how do they double sign in?
So that's only if you have the integration with Zoom and Simplero.When you have the integration, if they sign up in Simplero, they will automatically sign up in Zoom, and, therefore, you will be able to see the time they attend.Just to like, as I explained, this needs to be a business Zoom account because they are the only ones that allow registration.But if that's the case, then you should be able to see the attended time.And then you say, how do you put the recording in your course?
Do you mean the I assume you mean the event recording, Janet?So if that's the case, this is pretty simple.So you just need to go to your courses, and then, obviously, you'll need to download the, the recording from whatever platform you do.And I don't know why this is going slow.Obviously, it always goes slow in the worst times.
My Internet is slowing me down for some reason.The Zoom recording.So to do, to download the Zoom record, you first download the Zoom recording, then you go to your course.Let me see if it allows me to do that now.So go to your courses.
Go to your course.Then, here you can go to your lessons.So let's say I wanna add a new lesson.Recording.Which day is it today?
10/10/24.And then you can simply go to your to your lesson, video, and choose the video and upload the Zoom recording.It's not automatic.So if that's what you meant, it doesn't go automatically from Zoom to Simplero yet, but you can simply do it this way.Did I answer your question?
Let me see.Johnny, I hope I answered your question.Yes.Then, Susan, you're asking, are events just for courses, or can you have them on your website too, like, for a single event?You can have them on your website too.
Yeah.Definitely.So what I showed you regarding the the coaching site, this is, because it's a very used, thing to use them there, but you could also add them to your website or you could simply not add them anywhere.So you could simply, have your event and share the link to your event.So let me just go back to here.
So if I go to events, you don't necessarily need to share them in a specific site.You could simply copy the page URL here and share that one.And if you wanna add it to your main website as a, as a courses page, I believe yes.You can, go to your settings, and you can choose main website as well if you wanna add them to your main website.I think that's what you were asking.
Let me know if that was not.And then, Eric, you're saying if they sign up in Simplero, we will see it soon and vice versa.Yes.That's correct.If that that's if you have the integration.
You should have, both.So you should have it both ways.Ryan, are there any universal triggers to apply an automation to all events or all events in a series, or do we really need to remember to add an event trigger to the automation for every event?So for now, that's a thing that's been highly requested.For now, you need to add it in every event.
So if I go back to my recurring event, for now, you will need to add it to every event.But, this has been highly requested, so I'm hoping this will be an option soon to be able to add a trigger to all your events.There's probably a feature request in our feature request forum, so I would recommend you go and vote and add some comments there because it's been really highly requested.And I see, why the way what people would wanna do that, definitely.And then your other question, Ryan, how do you add events on landing pages not using the new community?
Those sections for builder I'm sorry.One second.One second.My Spotify just went off, and I'm just hearing music now.Sorry.
I'll go back.Chat.Sorry.How do you add events on a landing page not using the new community?Those section options for buildings to add events on previous videos seem to have disappeared.
I assume you mean on the new builder.So in the old builder I see what you mean.So if I go to landing pages, in the classic builder, we were able to add events for like like that when I'm building a landing page.We were able to add an events calendar and an events list.For now, this is not, possible in the new builder, but I think it will come soon.
So we're still working on sections for the new for the new builder, and I believe this will come soon.Let me see if you have more questions.Ryan, does Simplero have any example done for your campaigns, for event email automation trail?Oh, wait a second.You said I don't see it in the old builder anymore either.
It should be there.It should be oops.Let me just it should be here.So if you create with the old builder and you go add a section, it should be in there.If it's not there for you or, open a ticket later and I'll look into it, but it should be there for the old builder.
I'm not sure why it wouldn't be.And then you asked, does Simplero do have any example done for your campaigns?I am not sure, to be honest.We might have some.Otherwise, I could send you one if we don't have any.
One for you.I think here we have too many because we did that's our test page, so we might have meeting scheduling or challenge.I don't think we have one, but I'm happy I'm happy to, create one and send it to you together with the with the meeting, link with the recording link.I can send you one.It's very I already created it.
Like, as you saw, it's very quick.So I can I can send you one?I'll make a note and send you one with the with the recording.And that's actually a good idea that we could add for the future for future customers.Can you register for the entire event series?
Not yet.No.You cannot register for the entire event series.Although, again, it might be a coming feature because, also, it's been, highly requested.So, not for now, but it might come later.
And then are there any plans to do a desktop presentation of the event info?I'm not sure what you mean.I'm not sure what you mean.If you have any examples and you could send me a link, I'm not sure what you mean by a desktop presentation.It's always in mobile view.
It's just like a pop up in mobile.If you go to the URL, it's in a mobile view.It's like a little tiny screen even though we're on a desktop and we see, you know Oh, you mean I I see what you mean.Yeah.That if I open it yeah.
Yeah.Yeah.I see what you mean.If I go back to the events It's always been like that, to be honest, so I'm not sure.I don't think there are any plans.
I think yeah.You mean, it's, like, small.Yeah.Yeah.I see what you mean.
I don't think there are any plans, on the pipeline to create that, but you could definitely request it if that's something that's important for you.I don't know if you know, but if you go to request.simplero.com, just in case you don't know, here is where you can request, new features or things that you are, that you would love to have in Simplero in here.And then our product team, what they do is that they go through their request.They see, what our members requested, and they implement depending on what's what's been more voted and what they think it will be more useful.You can also find other people feature requests.
Go in, and you can vote them here.You can comment.That's very useful for us.It's actually we actually use it a lot to develop Simplero.So, please feel free to go there and and request if that's something important for you in the play.
Just a small comment.I think we can register for reoccurring events because Justin's sessions on each, the first day is is in my calendar, every week.So mhmm.Oh, you mean for a recurring event?That might be an update I'm missing then.
So I think it may add it to your calendar, but I don't think you get the like, it doesn't register you It doesn't register you.Yeah.Yeah.I think I think you're right.I think I'll I'll have a look after the after the workshop and, answer to you when I send you the recording.
But I unless there's there's an update I'm missing with which I'll check with the team, you were not able to register for the whole thing.Yeah.And then, Ryan, you have another question?If you go to a link for an event that is not allowed for a non logged in user or is outside the purchase requirement, it simply says you know that you do not have access.So, this seems like a dead end opportunity.
Yes.I totally agree.You actually, saying all the things that have been highly requested.I totally agree that there should be an option to change the text.This is a feature that we actually released a month ago or so.
So I think it will be added soon.I'm hoping, that it will be added soon, that we can add there.Please click here to buy the product, so you don't have that missed opportunities.Yeah.Totally see what you mean.
And then you asked if we set up a trigger, for example, an event sign up to add to a list subscription, if that user is already in the list, not does nothing happen or does it restart the list?Example, would it trigger an automation that was set up to go out when added to that list?So you have a way to do that, and I'll show you how.So if you only use, subscribe to a list just like that, And then you use in the list let's I'll show you what I mean, which will be more visual.So if you use this trigger, subscription activated attack or subscription activated drip content, then know that people that subscribe to a list that are new either that sorry, that are already there.
So if the person is already there and they sign up to the event, which then signs them up to that list, if they are already in the list, that will not trigger the things.However, you have a way to do that, which is when you add the trigger to the list, you choose this one here, subscription asked to be subscribed whether already subscribed or not.If you use that one, then, yes, the trigger should go off, and it should, for example, in this case, add the tag even if they are already in the list.I think that answers your question, hopefully.Yeah, Ryan?
And then can you set links to auto register for an event from an email?Do you mean, like, straightaway clicking the link and getting registered without Do you guys have link actions?So, like, if they click on a link, can you do automations based on that link click itself?Like so the them just saying, yeah.I'd like to attend in the email button.
Does can that auto trigger in the registration?You could do that.Let me go back.You could do that by going so let's say I'm creating this email by adding a trigger to the link.So let's say I wanna say register here.
Yes.I want okay.Good.You register.Yes.
So let's say here, you wanna make it a link straight away.You will have to add a link, though.So let's say you'll create a landing page that says, yay, we're you're registered or something like that.So you will have to create something because here you have the actions.No.
You don't have it directly.But you could create a landing page saying, yay.You're registered, and then create create a link that goes to that landing page.I'm just choosing this one as an example.Don't mind me.
So you can do that.And then when you get to the summary of the email, you can trigger the registration when they click on that link.To do that, you can go put links here.It's a little trick that is actually very useful, inside Team Play Doh.And then you can add a trigger to Okay.
That's what I didn't know.I I just saw a link check.I did I just thought I was checking for a valid link.I didn't know you could could Yes.So then here, you can, choose to register for an event, and you can register them from for an event straight away from here.
You need to add some sort of link, though.Like, it needs to be, like, a landing page or whatever you wanna add in there.But, yes, you can do it this way.I saw it.Right.
I believe do you have any other question?Does anyone else have questions?I did have one more.I did have a couple more questions.The, there was a there was a forum post that said that the locations do not send with the calendar invite.
So it's on your calendar, but you don't actually have the link to go do anything with it.Is that true?Or is that, Oh, I haven't I haven't seen that.Meeting.Yeah.
Yeah.Yeah.Yeah.So when you add it to your Google Calendar, for example, it doesn't show.Is that what you mean?
Yeah.I just know I know I'm missing a meeting, basically.Possibly.Oh.Yes.
I am.So, like, it does it doesn't show the location.I'm not sure.I haven't seen that.Let me write it down to check event not showing the location.
Message.Let me check later on because I'm not sure if that is a bug.So let me make sure I understand.So when you go here and well, let's say you register and add it to your Google Calendar.In Google Calendar, it doesn't show the location.
Is that what you mean?Yeah.That's what somebody asserted.I I haven't checked it myself.I just, it just seems weird that if it's it it's not.
So I just I just didn't know if you could squash that rumor or if if you knew, but that I was just wondering if you haven't tried haven't tried it yet.So Yeah.If that's the case, I don't think that's intended.I think it might be a bug.So I will check later, and see and see the post and see with the engineering team if that's a bug or what's going on in there.
Because it as far as I know, it should show the location in Google Calendar or what whatever calendar.Yeah.What was do you have more quest you said a couple of questions?This one's a little bit, I guess, complicated.Can you go to your back end for the calendar view for, like, all the events or whatever?
There's some numbers that are shown on the calendar, and I don't know what they're for.So if you just go to the calendar view Calendar view, meaning inside No.No.No.I'm gonna have to go there.
Oh, no.No.Back end.Just hit the calendar.Here inside the events?
Tab at the top.No.Say it here?Back back.Right there at the top where it says upcoming and then Calvin.
Oh, calendar.Okay.Here.Oh, it shows blank.I'm not sure what that calendar Yeah.
Mine shows mine shows a calendar, but there's some weird things on the Calvin, and I don't know what the numbers are.I believe that's new, to be honest.I so yours shows a calendar here with weird numbers.I don't Yeah.We're just gonna yeah.
Your cousin yeah.It doesn't say calendar view.It doesn't do anything.Okay.No.
Let me check-in our, suggesting account in case it shows there.I don't know if I believe that's a name.File into the Zoom into the chat so you can just see what I'm talking about.Yeah.Yeah.
Okay.I'll have a look.No.I don't I think that's a new thing, to be honest.Yeah.
I think that's being added recently.Sorry.We're doing a lot of updates in in events.Files, so I don't mind.Oh, anyway, I'll check because, yeah, we are doing a lot of updates in events.
That's the reason why we're doing this workshop as well.So there might be some updates in the pipeline that is, like, a stop and might be buggy.I'll check I'll check what's going on with that.Yeah.Okay.
I'll have a lot of things.Like, in the email I'll send with the recording, I'll send all of these answers that I that I'm telling you now.So so you have all my answers in there.Okay.And then the last question, I think, is that Yeah.
This is just from a previous video from, like, a year ago, so I don't know what the status is.But, does the username and password still get sent for event registrations even though they don't need access to a site or anything else in the system?Like, they're just visiting a webinar or something?They do they still get login information for the site?So far I think Adel actually was the one that asked that question.
But so far, yes.The reason why is because, Simplero system needs to create them there so they can reschedule or cancel.But I believe that's been also requested to have the option to, not have their Simplero ID.Wait.Let me see ID in advance.
I'm pretty sure it was requested somewhere, because I've heard that request before.Okay.I looked it up.I just didn't know that was a while ago, so I didn't know if it had changed or not.Yeah.
Yeah.So far so far, yes.I'll confirm just in case.But, yes, it does it does add send a simpler ID.Alright.
Do we have any further questions?Otherwise, I'll stop sharing my screen.Right.Any other questions?Nope.
I do have one one other event one.I don't know if this is a scheduling thing, but it shows on my screenshot that I had, for events.But it's on the time allocation report, which sounds like it's a scheduling thing, but it says on their events and time allocation reports.But I'll look do you know what that is, or do you have an example of that that I have?It's like admin slash event slash time allocation.
But all the links in there are broken, and I it doesn't go anywhere.I don't know what that's supposed to do, that screen.I don't know.Can you send a ticket about that?Because that sounds strange.
Yeah.Yeah.It's just I didn't know.I couldn't find anything on the time allocation thing, but it's basically, like I'll I'll just put a generic link in there, but it looks like that Calvin events and time allocation.But all it has is a list of all the people that have been on calls or something, and but it it just goes to empty pages.
So I'll put a ticket.That's weird.Yeah.If you can put a ticket in, that'd be great because that sounds weird that they yeah.It shows an error page for me if I try to go there.
So if you can put a ticket in, that'd be that'd be great.K.I have a question as well.When you had, regarding Ryan's question about the Calvin, but you also have an option.You can also click on Zoom.
When I do that, that that part is empty.But all my all my events are on Zoom, and I am I have integrated Simplero and Zoom.Just checked it now.So what what why is it empty or what what is supposed to be?Let me go back.
Did you just edit the integration or was it there before?Yeah.It was it was there before.Is that the empty location question?Is that what that is?
So yeah.I think I think you mean this empty screen is empty.Is that what you mean?Yes.So Do you have here something that says sync my Zoom events, like a button here?
Because sometimes you need to sync them sync here, this one.Okay.To try that and see if that works.So 3 dots here and then sync events from Zoom.Yeah.
And, where did you have that at the bottom?What did you what did you click on?Yeah.See it yeah.Events and then Zoom.
And then here in the 3 dots, and then sync events from Zoom.Try it out and see if it works.And if it still doesn't work, if you can start a ticket just in case that something buggy, but that should sync your events.It might take a few minutes, but it should bring your events over if they are not there.Right.
I did it, and it says we've successfully synced your events from Zoom, but it's still, it's still Still empty?Empty.Mhmm.So Okay.But that will I Calvin can say good more out?
It's, Yeah.Yeah.We can try a ticket about that.Yeah.Just in case there's something else we need to look at inside your account and stuff like that.
Okay.Oh, Calvin has left us.Bye, Malin.Thank you.Any other questions?
No, no, no.Well, thank you so much for your questions.I'm sorry.Some, a lot of them were feature requests or coming or, but, yeah, I'll have a look at the ones that I couldn't answer here and give you a response on the email.And, yeah, I'm I'm so happy to meet you and to have you here, and I hope you learned at least a little bit, about events and that you enjoy the workshop.
Thank you so much.Thank you.Bye bye.Thank thank you.Nice to meet you all.
Issue with location not showing on calendar invites - It's solved.
Issue with calendar viewtab – Has been reported to our tech team
Does the username and password still gets sent with the event registration? Yes, you can vote inthis feature request to remove it.
What are time allocation reports? They show the allocated hours in your scheduling links. You can find them on the events page by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner.
Thank you!
Can you export the event calendar to another external website?