Nicole Warner

Who are your mentors/peer support groups?

If you're specifically a solopreneur, who do you look to for mentorship? And how did you find peer support groups? Where do you find support for you as a business owner?

I've been on the lookout for either a mentor or a peer support group for a while, both for the peer aspect, as well as for new information and ideas; it needs to be realistic, cost-effective, and constructive, and I'd love to hear about what you've found.

Christi Byerly

My business coach,  Ellany Lea, was fantastic. I followed her program from solopreneurship to freedom-preneurship. She is the one who introduced me to Simplero as well.

Christi Byerly

You're welcome to join the Awaken community, if you wish. It's mainly coaches but our community membership is open to all. 


Eric Adames

Hi Nicole,

maybe we could create our own peer support group and invite other.  

Let me know your thoughts, I am open to collaborate on something like that.

If you can't find it, build it!

many thanks,


Francois Normandeau

You can also look on Meetup, the app and/or the website. It is a great place to find local and/or virtual groups (not limited to your geographic area). Lots of people from the USA (but not only) are organizing/offering classes, mentorship, workshops, etc. often at an affordable rate. Meetup is very much people-driven and community-based and can be a huge plus for those who know how to use it.Good luck !! :)

Nicole Warner

Thanks Francois, I found a co-working site which has given me the first step and a boost in the right direction. :)

Nicole Warner

These look like really experienced people, thanks @Calvin Correli . I think their expertise is for people with larger companies than mine, because right now it's truly only me. And my cat.

Do you or does anyone else have a suggestion for small, one-person businesses like mine? Especially for women in business?

George Kao

@Nicole Warner most of my clients are solopreneur women in business, most with a cat 😸 and I provide a different take on business success/pathway than most. You can see my point of view here: https://www.georgekao.com/authentic-marketing

Of course, a fellow Simplero fan! 😊

Nicole Warner

@George Kao Thanks very much! I took a read-through of several pages and I will take a deeper read-through in the next two weeks.

I love to make things SIMPLERo.

Eva Live

@Nicole Warner I've been following George Kao for a couple years now, and recently went through all of his extensive Q&A videos that were accessible after purchasing a course. For me, there was a lot of resonance with his approach after being burned out on other marketing coaches that make sky-high promises that are often unrealistic. I can testify that what he claims and what he does are aligned, and the 1 course I've taken so far was thorough and well delivered.

Nicole Warner

@Eva Live Thanks so much Eva, it's great to hear there are more people in the world who 'walk the talk.'

I am, indeed, burned out on marketing and on Zoom and on trying (unrealistic) things which don't end up working. Recently I completely gave up on "building my list" and I've taken a long break from my podcast. I really need small amounts of inspiration so I don't get overwhelmed and I could really use some comradery with other solopreneurs, especially other women, who understand.

I look forward to reading your articles @George Kao !

Sausha Davis

@Nicole Warner Happy to connect :)

Calvin Correli STAFF

I have a lot. It's been a massive help for me to get to know and learn from so many different entrepreneurs in many different industries.

Dan Martell's SaaS Academy and Elite Entrepreneurs.

DRIVEN Mastermind.

Greg Isenberg.

Peter Crone.

Eric Spett.

Tony Robbins.

Donny Epstein.

And many more.

And of course there's our Simplero Academy where we offer mentorship and communtiy for the people in our community.

Hit up @Sausha Davis if you'd like to hear more about that.
