Torill Fjæran-Granum

Member directory

I cannot fint the member directory here anymore? Is it gone?

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hi @Torill Fjæran-Granum ! We've temporarily turned it off until we find the best way it can serve you all in an open site :)

More updates soon!

Torill Fjæran-Granum

@Lis Alvarez ok - because I liked the feature to find others near me where I live - how can I get that feature in the member directory I have on my membershipsite? I beleive my clients would love that feature as well

Olga Maso Garriga STAFF

@Torill Fjæran-Granum This guide explains how to do it. Otherwise, feel free to open a ticket about that. We can help you from support!

Torill Fjæran-Granum

@Olga Maso Garriga that guide shows how to make the member directory visible - I know how to do that. But while the memberdirectory was visible on this page, it had an opurtunity to find members that live near you. This is not a choice in the memberdirectory I have made visible on my membership site, and I would like it to be. Maybe it's not an available feature yet

Lis Alvarez STAFF

@Torill Fjæran-Granum In addition to the member directory you would also need to enable the new experience in the Site configure tab > Community features:

Andreas Hansen

@Lis Alvarez This is awesome. Will it be possible in the future to turn member profiles + mentioning of other members in posts and comments on while NOT displaying a members directory?

I think the members directory can be rather problematic if you don't want to use the community but still have a look - and just in general not to have an option to see all other members semi public.

Lis Alvarez STAFF

@Andreas Hansen You can turn On the member directory to show member profiles + mentioning.

Then hide it from the navigation :)

Andreas Hansen

@Lis Alvarez Ah - cool. Thanks! Where and how do the visitors/clients update their profile so there's more than just a name when you visit a profile? And will it be possible for a person to hide themselves from the member directory? That would be neat!

Lis Alvarez STAFF

@Andreas Hansen You can update the profile name and picture only through your account settings > Profile.

Opting out of the member directory is not on the roadmap at the yet. You are welcome to submit a feature request for it :) 

Nicole Warner 👋

@Lis Alvarez I put a request on the features request board here: