Juan Cruz Obaid

QuickBooks Online Integration

Hi there. Does someone have succesfully conected to Quickbooks Online for accounting purposes?

I have some companies that uses simplero and collect money with Stripe, but so far we could no find a way to sync data between Simplero, Stripe, and bank statements to register in QuickBooks.

Downloading Stripe reports I found that thay list the purchase number from Simplero, but looking in Simplero reports for purchases and receipts, when I downloaded them, there is no "purchase id" data in there, Simplero shows "transaction id" data. So we cant link records and transactions.

Can someone here help with this?


Juan Cruz

Cathy Betoin

This would be very useful.   Is there any way the connection can be automated - I have seen it done and it’s a huge time saver not to speak of being more accurate - would also assist with the ongoing need for pdf invoices for B2B 

Mentee Insight

Any update on this question? Thanks

Lis Alvarez STAFF

Hey Mentee! Beth shared how we do it on our end if that's helpful.

Get the info from Simplero: go to Sales, then select Receipts.
On the upper right side of the screen, click the ... menu, and select: Stripe payouts.
Click the date to see what was paid out on that date for which Products.  
Download as CSV 

Beth Barr-Jobson STAFF

Hi Juan! Let me preface this by saying I am not a bookkeeper. 😇 However, I asked one, and was told that we copy the Stripe payout amount from Simplero, per product, and add it to Quickbooks. 

To get the info from Simplero, go to Sales, then select Receipts.
On the upper right side of the screen, click the ... menu, and select Stripe payouts.
Click the date to see what was paid out on that date for which Products.  
Download as CSV 

Calvin Correli STAFF

I'll see if I can get someone on the team to share about how we handle this. We also use Quickbooks Online.