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Save Website to Phone Home Screen

Updated on Apr 25, 2024

Have your users ever asked you if there is an app for your Simplero site?  Or have you ever wanted to make it super easy for your customers to return to your membership site?  

Well, now you can save your site to a phone's home screen and teach your customers to save it in three easy steps:

Step 1: Set the icon that will appear on the home screen.

  1. Add your icon to your Media Library. This is what will eventually appear on the home screen and make your site look like an app. It's best if it's a square image.

    • Select Content from your Simplero Dashboard

    • Select the Media Library tab

    • Copy the link to that Media File by clicking on the Clipboard icon to the right of the file name:

  2. Go to the Configure tab of your Membership site or Website.

  3. Scroll down to the Advanced settings section and select Add custom tracking code:

  4. In the Custom tracking HTML code section, add this statement: 

    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="128x128" href="">

  5. Insert the link to your icon Media File between the " " in the href section so that your code now looks something like this: 

    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="128x128" href="">

  6. Click the blue Save changes button

Step 2: Test it out to make sure it looks the way you want it to.

  1. Open your browser on your phone.  If you have an iPhone, you have to use Safari due to a limitation that Apple imposes.  Android users can use any browser.

  2. Search for and open your Simplero Website or Membership Site

  3. Click the Menu Icon for your phone to open the phone's menu and then click "Add to Home Screen".

    You can edit the name of the 'app' if you want to. 

  4. Go to your Home Screen and see your new 'app' for your Simplero Site 

Step 3: Teach your customers to do this by sharing the instructions in the second step of this guide with them!

You can simplify it. Send them a link to your site and say 'go here'. Then continue with the instructions in points 3 and 4 above.