Membership Site Redirects

Updated Jun 27, 2024

Redirects are a fun feature with Simplero that lets you make a pretty or shortened link using your member site domain and direct your followers to anywhere in internet land.

  1. Select Membership Site 

  2. Select the three dots and choose Redirects from the dropdown

  3. Click the  Add a redirect button in the upper right corner:

  4. The Redirect pop-up screen will appear with two boxes (Note you are limited to 15 characters):

  5. Box 1: Path on your site - In this box you will write the path or extension that you want to appear at the end of your Simplero domainFor example, if my simplero domain is and I type “hello” in this box, the link I’ll share with people is

    • NOTE! This URL cannot be a URL that exists already. We DO NOT redirect from an existing page or site to another existing page or site - we redirect from a made-up URL to an actual URL page.

  1. Box 2: Redirect to this URL - In this box you’ll paste the URL of the actual page you want them to go to. This could be a landing page you created in Simplero or somewhere else or maybe an order form link. The options really are endless.

  2. Click Save and you're ready to use the URL.